eFactoryPro Wiki

Quick Guide to Course Navigation

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Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to Cornerstone, ScreenSteps, Outlook and EFactoryPro

This training course will take you through the process of launching training through Cornerstone.

Course Basics: For best results, launch your course with the Google Chrome browser.  Log into any Office 365 Products. 

1. You will receive an email from Cornerstone informing you that you've been assigned training.  You will also receive an email from ScreenSteps telling you what courses are a part of the curriculum.  You must launch courses from Cornerstone to receive credit for completion.

2. Log into the Cornerstone Learning Center.

3. In the top left menu, go to Learning > View Your Transcript.

4. Click the "Open Curriculum" button to the right of your assigned curriculum.

5. Click the "Launch" button of the first course.

6. A new window opens that is ScreenSteps (knowledge.efactorypro.com). NOTE: You may have to log into ScreenSteps with your ATS credentials if it is the first time you are logging in.

7. Each course consists of Articles and Videos. There is only one item of these per page. Review the material on each page and click "Mark done & continue" at the bottom of the page to proceed to the next.

If you choose to watch a video instead of reading the article or vice versa, or you already know the subject matter, simply click the "Mark done & continue" box to fast-forward to the next page.

8. On the last page of the course, click "Mark done & continue". This will take you to the ScreenSteps home page of courses, or:

10. Click the X at the top right corner of the ScreenSteps page to return to the Cornerstone Learning Center.

11. Click the "Mark Complete" button of the course you just finished.

12. The next course on the list will now have a "Launch" button. Click that to continue to the next course.


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