11 Articles
- 1.1 Can I see a Basic Overview for Work Order and Task Types?
- 1.2 Working with Work Orders, Tasks and Steps
- 1.3 How do Task Status and Task Status Reasons interact?
- 1.4 What do I need to know about Corrective Maintenance Tasks / Reactive Work Orders?
- 1.5 What is the "Waiting on Production" Task Status Reason and when would I use it?
- 1.6 What is the "Waiting on Service" Task Status Reason and when would I use it?
- 1.7 How can I see which Tasks have Task Activity Sub-types?
- 1.8 What impact does the Safety Sub-type have on a task?
- 1.9 What is the Non-Avoidable Downtime (NADT) Task Activity Sub-type and which Work Order types can I use it on?
- 1.10 When would I mark the Task as Regulatory? What are the Regulatory Codes, and when would I use each?
2. PMs
31 Articles
- 2.1 PM Plan Module Demo & FAQ
- 2.2 PM Plans - Navigation
- 2.3 PM Plans - Creating a new PM Plan (Calendar)
- 2.4 PM Plans - Creating a new PM Plan (Meter)
- 2.5 PM Plans - Creating a new PM from the Equipment screen
- 2.6 PM Plans - How do I get new equipment loaded and set up with PMs?
- 2.7 PM Plans - Editing a PM
- 2.8 PM Plans - How do I inactivate a PM?
- 2.9 How should I set up my screen to make it easiest to cancel PMs when I have A LOT to do?
- 2.10 PM Plans - What is the best way to completely cancel PM coverage on an Asset?
12 Articles
- 3.1 CONTROL CENTER: Is there an Overview of setting up Events/Alerts in the Control Center?
- 3.2 CONTROL CENTER: How do I create an Event Notification in the Control Center?
- 3.3 How can my Techs find their work assigned to a Team?
- 3.4 CONTROL CENTER: How do I enter a Production Schedule in the Work Module?
- 3.5 CONTROL CENTER: How do I make a Sub-Location INACTIVE at my site?
- 3.6 CONTROL CENTER: How do I create a new Sub-Location for my site?
- 3.7 When does it make sense to work in the Work Module vs. Planner Portal?
- 3.8 What is the best way to see my PMs that are due by today?
- 3.9 Is there an easy way to see all Open PM Tasks that are marked Regulatory?
- 3.10 When would I check the Event Log for a Work Order in the Work Module?
22 Articles
- 4.1 Shift Turnover Report: How can I see what Work Orders were created yesterday?
- 4.2 Shift Turnover Report: How can I see what Work Orders were completed/closed yesterday?
- 4.3 Shift Turnover Report: How can I see which PMs are due this week?
- 4.4 How do date range filters work on the Shift Turnover Report?
- 4.5 EQUIPMENT LIST: How can I see all of my Equipment that is Marked Critical 1 at my site?
- 4.6 Meter Readings: How do I see how much the Meters on my Equipment have changed?
- 4.7 Equipment Meter Data: How can I see which equipment has meters for my site?
- 4.8 PM List: How can I see which Job Plans (Task Templates) are associated with each Machine or Sub-Location?
- 4.9 PM Schedule Forecast: How can I see the upcoming PMs for the month?
- 4.10 WORK ORDER PRINT: How can I print out a PM?
- 5.1 How do I assign/unassign a skillset to a Technician in the Control Center?
- 5.2 How do I create and edit Scheduling Containers/Periods in the Control Center?
- 5.3 What information comes over from Workday into the Schedule Board in the Planner Portal?
- 5.4 My site doesn't use Workday. How can I populate a Work Schedule in the Control Center for the Daily Scheduling function of the Planner Portal?
- 5.5 What do I need to understand about the Work Schedule functionality in the Control Center?
- 5.6 Mi sitio no utiliza Workday. ¿Cómo puedo crear un programa de trabajo en el Centro de Control para la función de Programación Diaria del Portal de Planeador?
- 5.7 How do I create and edit Teams in the Control Center?
13 Articles
- 6.1 PLANNING WIZARD: Is there an overview of the Planning Wizard in the Planner Portal?
- 6.2 PLANNING WIZARD: What do I have to do to have a task be included in my "Planned" Metrics?
- 6.3 PLANNING WIZARD/Job Plan: How do I assign a new Job Plan to a Task in the Planning Wizard?
- 6.4 PLANNING WIZARD/Job Plan: Can I search for Job Plans that have not been associated to the Asset ID when in the Planning Wizard?
- 6.5 Can I edit a job plan in the Planning Wizard?
- 6.6 PLANNING WIZARD: How do I assign a duration to a Task in the Planning Wizard?
- 6.7 PLANNING WIZARD: How do steps work in the Planning Wizard?
- 6.8 PLANNING WIZARD: How do part needs work in the Planning Wizard?
- 6.9 PLANNING WIZARD: How do I add an attachment in the Planning Wizard?
- 6.10 PLANNING WIZARD: How does the Summary Panel work in the Planning Wizard?
35 Articles
1 Checklist
- 7.1 What are the Standard Text fields that are available for Job Plans?
- 7.2 If I have a Standard Text that I will need to be added to all my PMs, how do I go about getting that added to the Standard Text Field options?
- 7.3 How do I create a Job Plan for Operator Performed PMs?
- 7.4 How do Operator Performed Maintenance PMs affect my Compliance/Completion Metrics?
- 7.5 How do I mark a Job Plan as Regulatory?
- 7.6 How can I see all the Job Plans associated with my site?
- 7.7 How can I see what Job Plan Number the generated Work Order/Task is associated to?
- 7.8 Editing the Job Plan Header Details
- 7.9 JOB PLAN & GRID: Introduction to Job Plans and the Job Plan Grid
- 7.10 JOB PLAN: As an Admin, how can I create Master Job Plans in the Planner Portal?
14 Articles
- 9.1 Overview of Work Execution Management (WEM) Scheduling Concepts
- 9.2 How do I assign/unassign a skillset to a Technician in the Control Center?
- 9.3 How do I create and edit Scheduling Containers/Periods in the Control Center?
- 9.4 Is there an overview of the layout of the Schedule Grid in the Planner Portal?
- 9.5 What information comes over from Workday into the Schedule Board in the Planner Portal?
- 9.6 What is the purpose of the Star icon on the Schedule screen in the Planner Portal?
- 9.7 How does the schedule button work in the in the Period Capacity View?
- 9.8 How does the Progress Overview work in the Weekly Scheduling Screen?
- 9.9 How do Part Needs function in the Scheduling portion of the Planner Portal?
- 9.10 How do I see the Tasks that have been marked Ready for Execution for a Scheduling period on the Schedule board?
20 Articles
- 10.1 Daily Scheduling Principles
- 10.2 Navigating the Daily Capacity Screen
- 10.3 Overview of Daily Scheduling in the Work Module
- 10.4 Overview of the Task Tiles in the Daily Capacity view
- 10.5 How do I filter by teams in the Daily Capacity view?
- 10.6 How are the Task tiles sorted for Daily Capacity in the Planner Portal?
- 10.7 How do I assign/un-assign a task to a technician in the Daily Capacity Schedule view?
- 10.8 How do I hide unavailable technicians in the Daily Capacity view?
- 10.9 How do I send a Task that has been scheduled in Daily Capacity back to Period Capacity Scheduling?
- 10.10 Viewing Tasks assigned to a tech for a specific day in Daily Capacity
11. PLANNER PORTAL: Tips and Tricks
5 Articles
13. P/S Step by Steps
7 Articles
- 13.1 How can I see the Work Order History on a machine in the Client?
- 13.2 How do I change production schedules on Equipment?
- 13.3 SBS - Identifying Work Order Causing Down Status In ESM (Client)
- 13.4 How do I request a new piece of equipment to be added to my site?
- 13.5 PM Plans - Hold process for Planned Shut Down
- 13.6 PM Hold process for Planned Shut Down (Site Steps Only)
- 13.7 How do I stop downtime from accruing while my site is on a Planned Outage?
14. Meters
7 Articles
- 14.1 How do I set up a Job Plan when the Meter is driving the PM?
- 14.2 How do I create a Job Plan to take a Meter Reading on a Machine?
- 14.3 How do I create a Job Plan to do Meter Readings on a Route or a Sub-Location?
- 14.4 How do I take an Initial Meter Reading on Equipment?
- 14.5 How do I Replace/Swap/Change Out a Meter on Equipment?
- 14.6 Equipment Meter Data: How can I see which equipment has meters for my site?
- 14.7 What are some of the important terms for Meters?
- 15.1 How do I assign a duration to a Task in the CLIENT from the Schedule Board?
- 15.2 Can I have two "owners" of a task on the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?
- 15.3 How do I unassign a task on the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?
- 15.4 How do I increase the duration of a task on the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?
- 15.5 How can I see the entire week at a time in the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?
- 15.6 How do I see a weekly/monthly schedule for a tech in the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?
- 15.7 What kinds of things do I see when I expand the chevron in the header of the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?
- 15.8 What is the easiest way to see PMs only in the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?
- 15.9 Is there a Cheat Sheet for the Schedule Board?