SCS Reports
22 Articles
- How do I print 1.1" x 3.5" part labels with Bar Code, ATS and MFG part number, location and bin?
- How do I print a part label?
- When would I use the Simple Inventory Status Report?
- How do I run the Stock Count Report to count parts?
- When would I run the Stock Count ERRORS Report?
- When would I run the Stock Count EXCEPTION Report?
- When should I run the Stock Count Variance Summary Report?
- When should I run the Stock Count Variance Detail Report?
- Is there a report that will help me determine which parts I should stock? (Service Level Report)
- What is the purpose of the Active/Inactive Report?
P/S Reports
19 Articles
- Shift Turnover Report: How can I see what Work Orders were created yesterday?
- Shift Turnover Report: How can I see what Work Orders were completed/closed yesterday?
- Shift Turnover Report: How can I see which PMs are due this week?
- How do date range filters work on the Shift Turnover Report?
- EQUIPMENT LIST: How can I see all of my Equipment that is Marked Critical 1 at my site?
- Meter Readings: How do I see how much the Meters on my Equipment have changed?
- Equipment Meter Data: How can I see which equipment has meters for my site?
- PM List: How can I see which Job Plans (Task Templates) are associated with each Machine or Sub-Location?
- PM Schedule Forecast: How can I see the upcoming PMs for the month?
- WORK ORDER PRINT: How can I print out a PM?