1. Fundamental Concepts
9 Articles
- 1.1 As a Supervisor, how do I navigate the Work Module?
- 1.2 Is there an overview of how Malfunction/Downtime is calculated in the Work Module?
- 1.3 As a Supervisor, how do I Cancel a Task in the Work Module?
- 1.4 As a Supervisor, how do I install the CLIENT (desktop version) from the Work Module?
- 1.5 How does marking my task as "Proactive" affect my metrics?
- 1.6 As a Supervisor, how can I see the percentage of Work Orders that were put in by ATS vs. the Customer for the previous month?
- 1.7 As a Supervisor, how can I create PD Work Orders/ Tasks in the Work Module?
- 1.8 As a Supervisor, how can I create PD Follow up Tasks in the Work Module?
- 1.9 How do I decommission a piece of equipment at my site?
2. Reviewing Work Orders
7 Articles
- 2.1 As a Supervisor, how do I review Tasks in the Work Module?
- 2.2 As a Supervisor, what do I do if I find a problem when reviewing a Task in the Work Module?
- 2.3 As a Supervisor, how do I reopen a Work Order and send it back to the Tech in the Work Module?
- 2.4 As a Supervisor, what kind of things should I look for when reviewing Tasks and Work Orders in the Work Module?
- 2.5 As a Supervisor, how do I correct overlapping Malfunction times?
- 2.6 As a Supervisor, how do I re-open a REVIEWED Task/WO ?
- 2.7 As a Supervisor, how do I review a Canceled Task in the Work Module?
3. Scheduling/Assigning Techs
11 Articles
- 3.1 Overview of Daily Scheduling in the Work Module
- 3.2 Daily Scheduling Principles
- 3.3 Navigating the Daily Capacity Screen
- 3.4 How do I assign/un-assign a task to a technician in the Daily Capacity Schedule view?
- 3.5 Viewing Tasks assigned to a tech for a specific day in Daily Capacity
- 3.6 How can I tell if a tech is over scheduled?
- 3.7 What is considered to be Break-in work?
- 3.8 How can I see Break-in work in the Scheduling function of the Work Module?
- 3.9 As a Technician, when will I see people listed in the Assignments section of the Summary Tab?
- 3.10 How do I assign a task to a different skillset than originally required for the job in Daily Capacity?
- 4.1 Equipment Status Monitor (ESM) Summary - Supervisor Work Module
- 4.2 What does the Equipment Identifier button do in the ESM?
- 4.3 How do I see the total number of machines by status in the ESM?
- 4.4 How can I view all equipment in a sub-location in the ESM?
- 4.5 How do I sort by criticality in the ESM?
- 4.6 How do I get to the summary of a piece of equipment from the ESM?
- 4.7 How can I get to a Task or Work Order that is causing downtime from the Equipment Status Monitor?
- 4.8 Practice Session - Equipment Status Monitor
- 4.9 How do I delete a group in the ESM? - Supervisor Work Module
5. Supervisor Work in the Control Center
14 Articles
- 5.1 CONTROL CENTER: Is there an Overview of setting up Events/Alerts in the Control Center?
- 5.2 CONTROL CENTER: How do I create an Event Notification in the Control Center?
- 5.3 How Do I Set Up Email Alerts For Regulatory PMs? (This is done in Power BI)
- 5.4 CONTROL CENTER: How do I enter a Production Schedule in the Work Module?
- 5.5 CONTROL CENTER: How do I add a Sub-Location in the Work Module?
- 5.6 CONTROL CENTER: How do I make a Sub-Location INACTIVE at my site?
- 5.7 How do I assign/unassign a skillset to a Technician in the Control Center?
- 5.8 How do I create and edit Scheduling Containers/Periods in the Control Center?
- 5.9 What information comes over from Workday into the Schedule Board in the Planner Portal?
- 5.10 My site doesn't use Workday. How can I populate a Work Schedule in the Control Center for the Daily Scheduling function of the Planner Portal?
6. Reports
11 Articles
- 6.1 How to access the ATS Report Server
- 6.2 ATS Report Viewer Guide
- 6.3 How do I run the Billable PO Report?
- 6.4 How can I print all the work orders for my site that are marked with a Regulatory Field?
- 6.5 How do Regulatory Tasks display on the Work Order Print Report?
- 6.6 Accumulated Labor Report: How can I see all the Labor Stamps for my Technicians for the last month?
- 6.7 Shift Turnover Report: How can I see which PMs are due this week?
- 6.8 How do date range filters work on the Shift Turnover Report?
- 6.9 Shift Turnover Report: How can I see what Work Orders were created yesterday?
- 6.10 Shift Turnover Report: How can I see what Work Orders were completed/closed yesterday?