3. Scheduling/Assigning Techs
11 Articles
- 3.1 Overview of Daily Scheduling in the Work Module
- 3.2 Daily Scheduling Principles
- 3.3 Navigating the Daily Capacity Screen
- 3.4 How do I assign/un-assign a task to a technician in the Daily Capacity Schedule view?
- 3.5 Viewing Tasks assigned to a tech for a specific day in Daily Capacity
- 3.6 How can I tell if a tech is over scheduled?
- 3.7 What is considered to be Break-in work?
- 3.8 How can I see Break-in work in the Scheduling function of the Work Module?
- 3.9 As a Technician, when will I see people listed in the Assignments section of the Summary Tab?
- 3.10 How do I assign a task to a different skillset than originally required for the job in Daily Capacity?
- 3.11 How can I get a Task (of any priority) to show up in my queue to be scheduled/assigned for the current week?