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3.1 Overview of Daily Scheduling in the Work Module

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1. Scheduling Period - your selected week will show in gray. Select the arrows on the calendar to move forward or backward.

  • the default is the current week. This is for P1 and P2 break-in work scheduling only.
  • You can not schedule in the past.
  • You can schedule P3 Tasks in the future.

2. Task Tile Filters - these filters will allow you to filter which task tiles will populate. Available filters are: Table Sorts (ascending/descending order), Table Filters (the Table Filters will work just like the filters in the Planner Portal), Show/Hide the Canceled and Reviewed Tasks, Show Break-In Work and Hide Asset ID.

3. Task Tiles - this a list of tasks available to be scheduled. This list is filterable by the above list.

4. Displayed Skillsets - in the scheduling grid, the Skillsets will be displayed. It will give the total hours  available as well as the hours assigned and the percentage of total hours used. Each technician will have their own line under the skillset banner.

5. Hide Unavailable toggle switch - selecting this switch will hide technician lines in the grid who are unavailable to be scheduled for tasks. This could be do to vacation time, sick days, etc.

You do have the ability to assign work to people who are not scheduled. Please keep this in mind when you 'hide unavailable'.

How do I assign a task to a different skillset than originally required for the job in Daily Capacity?

6. Information Button - hovering over this button will allow users to see if the grid is currently being filter by certain teams or by All Teams.

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7. Team ID - this will allow you to narrow the displayed option in the grid by teams.

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9. Progress Circle - this is an indicator to the right of each row that will display a percentage of tech availability for the scheduling period. The circle grow in accordance with the percentage.

10. Technician - each technician will have their own line according to their skillset.

These skillsets are contained in the Control center and can be set up by anyone with Supervisor privileges.

Assign Tasks

11. Select the Task you wish to assign. Once the task is selected it will expand to show the user the skill set or skillsets that are required for the task.

A task can still be assigned to a Tech even on the days that Tech isn't scheduled to work.

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12. The Supervisor/Planner Scheduler should try to schedule this task according to the skillset assigned which in this case is Associate Technician. In the scheduling grid scroll the the lines for Associate Tech.

13. Once you know which Associate Tech and what day you wish to schedule this task hover over that day to see the Assign button. Click on it!

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If you click the Expand Button, you can see the Tasks that have been assigned to the Technician for any certain day.

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14. Once the task is assigned the hours will show up on that day.

15. The techs name will then show up on the task tile.

16. The total progress circle at the end of the line will reflect the changes in a percentage.

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Some tasks may have multiple skillsets assigned. In this case the task may look similar to this. Users will assign the same way for ALL skillsets on a task.

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Unassigning a Task

17. To unassign simply check the eraser icon in the task tile.

18. The name of the tech would disappear and be replaced with Unassigned.

19. A notification will appear confirming the change in skillset.

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In the case where the assigned tech calls in sick, and the work still needs to be performed on the same day, you may need to change the skillset required. 

In this case, follow these steps:

  • Unassign the existing technician using the eraser
  • Click the X under the skillset to remove the assigned skillset
  • Click the plus sign to add a different skillset of the person available to do the work
  • Assign the new technician

How to Assign MULTIPLE tasks to a single Technician

20. Single Selection toggle - this can be used when single or multiple task scheduling is being performed. If multiple task scheduling is selected, when the user clicks on a task tile, it will select the tile for scheduling. They can click on multiple tasks tiles in the list in order to schedule all of them to a single tech on a specific day. The tasks selected will show as yellow.The user can also "clear all" selected tasks, as well as deselect a single task.

ONLY Supervisors will see this functionality.

Planning - Google Chrome

How to filter the view by Teams

21. The default shown from the Daily Capacity view will be all technicians for that site that have a skillset assigned to them.

22. In the upper right corner users will see TEAM ID as the default. To narrow your view to a specific team or teams select this drop down.

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23. Here the user can select from the drop-down a specific team or teams to populate the view.

24. Select Apply to repopulate the view or clear to exit the teams.

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How to hide unavailable technicians from the grid

25. Select the Hide Unavailable toggle switch.

26. Any tech that isn't available that line will disappear.

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How to know if a tech has been over scheduled

27. A warning icon will be displayed if the hours available for that day are exceeded by scheduled hours.

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The reason why you CAN over schedule perhaps is when the tech has agreed to work OT for that specific job or some reason like that.

28. When it comes to events (some of which can be done in the Planner Portal) here is a list of what will be displayed per Work Order/Task under the Events icon in the Tech/Supervisor.

What WILL be displayed:

  • a Change in Status
  • Selection of a Sub-type
  • changing of the Status Reason
  • a Change in Priority
  • a Change in Team ID
  • a Job Plan changed
  • Addition of a skillset
  • Removal Skillset
  • Updating of a Skillset
  • Adding a  Part Need
  • Change in Quantity for a Part Need
  • Addition Staged Part Part
  • Removal of a Staged Part
  • when the scheduling period has first been assigned
  • when the scheduling period gets changed
  • when a technician is assigned to a skillset
  • when a technician is removed from a skillset assignment


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