To access the documentation related to Planner/Scheduler transactions in EFP2 (SAP), please click on the link below:
Topics include:
- Add a Service Operation to a Work Order IW32
- Add or Remove an employee from a Work Group - IR02
- Attach Materials to a Task List
- Cancel a Time Confirmation - IW45
- Cancel a Time Confirmation from a List of Confirmations - IW47
- Cancel an Outstanding Notification
- Collective Entry of Measurement Documents - IK34
- Copy a Task List from an existing Task List - IA01, IA05, IA11
- Create a Functional Location - IL01
- Create a Functional Location PM Task List - IA11/IA05
- Create a General PD Task List - IA05
- Create a General PM Task List - IA05
- Create a List Edit Display Variant
- Create a Measurement Document Entry List - IK31
- Create a Measuring Point - IK01
- Create a Metered PM Plan - IP42
- Create a Multi-cycle PM Task List - IA01, IA05, IA11
- Create a New Escalation - Portal
- Create a PD Plan - IP42
- Create a PM Plan - IP42
- Create a Production Schedule - IR01
- Create a Schedule Revision- OIOB
- Create Work Group - IR01
- Create a Work Order - IW31
- Create a Work Order from an Existing Notification - IW28
- Create an Equipment PM Task List - IA01
- Create Backlog Management Report - IW37N
- Create New Equipment Form
- Create/Copy a Bill of Material from Existing BOM
- Daily Report to Site Management
- Deactivate-Reactivate a PM Plan - IP02
- Deactivate-Reactivate Equipment - IE02
- Display the Bill of Material Structure List - IH04
- Downloading-Uploading a SAP Windows GUI Favorites List
- Edit a selection of multiple operator PM Work Orders - IW38
- Enter a Measurement Doc - IK11
- Equipment Definition and ABC Indicator
- ESM Color Hierarchy
- Explanation of RCA Codes
- Export a List to an Excel file
- Export a list to a MHTML Spreadsheet file
- FMS PM Development Standard
- Functional location explanation
- List Edit Data Matrix
- Look up PM Plans by Equipment Numbers - IP24
- Lookup Technician Hours by Badge Numbers - IW47
- Manually create a Bill of Materials (BOM)
- Mass assigning personnel to WO Operations
- Mass Complete a Group of Work Orders - IW38
- Mass Print Work Orders - ZWOPRINT
- Material Spend Report
- Modifying a Reservation for Material on a Work Order
- Moving Equipment to a different FLOC
- Notification definitions, statuses, and conditions
- Planner/Scheduler T-Codes
- PM Process Flows
- PMX Scheduling tool - Excel
- Print a list of task Lists - IA17
- Re-open a reviewed work order - IW32
- Replace a counter - IK11
- Restart a PM Schedule - Generate a Manual Call - IP10
- Review Page
- SAP Plant Maintenance document (not maintained)
- SAP Plant Maintenance Training Syllabus
- SAP GUI Favorites file
- Schedule a PM Plan - IP10
- Setting up a Training Document Change - Update Alert
- Shift Turnover Report - Z_SHIFT_TURN
- Task List Explanations
- Technician Training Introductory Packet
- Update Production Schedule - IR02
- Use Multiple Selections in a List Edit
- Using SAP Printing to Print - Save a list
- Work Order Priority Definitions
- Work Order Process Flows
- Work Order Statuses
- Work Order Types
- ZPO Report
Other helpful documents include:
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