eFactoryPro Wiki

Are there ways to customize my searches in the Client?

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Search Variables

You can use search variables to replace dates, times, persons, or places when performing searches. For example, you can use the current date and time to determine what tasks might be scheduled in the future. If you specify a date without specifying a time, the time of 00:00:00 (12:00:00 am) is assumed.

Optional modifiers can be added to the Today and Now search variables. The modifiers appear after the search variable, separated by a period (.). If a negative number is specified, the value is subtracted instead of added.


You can use comparators to create a search that returns results for one or more values. For example, you can search for records created after a certain date.

You can use comparators for alphanumeric, numeric, or date search elements. You cannot use wildcards with comparators. The following table describes the comparators that are available:


You can use operators to combine search elements into expressions that provide additional flexibility in returning results. For example, you can search for either of two field values or a range of dates. Any valid search element described above can appear in an expression using operators. The following table describes the operators that are available:


Use an asterisk (*) to substitute for one or more characters within a search element. For example, when you search on a place using ME*, the search results include all places whose name begins with ME. You can only use an asterisk when the field contains an alphanumeric value.



>Today returns results for the current day after 00:00.

Earlier than a specified date

<01/01/2016 returns results for earlier than but not including January1, 2016.

<Today returns results for earlier than today.

Later than a specified date

>=07/06/2016 returns results later than and including July 6, 2016.

Within a specified date range

>=01/01/2016+<=01/07/2016 returns results later than and including January 1, 2016, and earlier than and including January 7, 2016.

Either of two values

COMPLETED|CLOSED returns results with a value of either completed or closed.

Any value with commonality

MP6* returns results for any value that begins with MP6, such as MP610, MP620, MP625, and so forth.

Does not match specific value

!CLOSED returns results for all values except for closed. (all work orders that are not closed)


Re-Query performs your last search

Shift F5 is for searching


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