This report runs on the Power BI server which means it is only refreshed overnight. You will not be able to see data from the current day on this report.
Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.
The PM Schedule Forecast report shows you which PMs have been generated as of the date of your report creation.
In eFACTORYPRO, the PM Schedule Generator runs every weeknight, 28 days in advance.
1. From your internet browser, go to the ATS Reporting Server.
2. Choose PM Schedule Forecast from the list below.
You may need to open the ATS_FMS_Reports folder first if you have not made this report one of your favorites.
3. The report criteria loads. Enter your four-digit site number.
The report automatically starts processing. You may hit Cancel to stop.
4. By default, the dates are pre-populated to pull a month's worth of data (30 days past the current date and time). You will most likely want to pull a different date range.
To pull roughly the next month's schedule of Open PMs, follow the steps below.
5. Enter the starting date for your Compliance Start From.
- This is the beginning of your date range.
6. Enter the ending date for your Compliance Start Date To.
- This is the end of your date range.
If you prefer, you could run the report by Compliance Finish dates instead.
7. The Team ID defaults to All - this is "All" for that site. You can modify it by clicking on the drop-down and putting a checkmark in the box next to the team you wish to select.
9. A message tells you that the report is processing.
10. You will know that the report is loading properly when the bar below the report criteria appears.
- If you do not see the bar after 1 minute. hit Cancel and View Report again.
- If it is a very large report or your site has very slow internet connectivity, you may want to wait as long as 5 minutes.
11. If you want to Export the file, click the floppy disc icon and choose the file format.
Fields include:
- Equipment ID
- Asset ID
- Sublocation
- Task Template Description
- Team ID
- Crew Size
- Compliance Start
- Compliance Finish
- Duration (M)
- Meter Usage Cutoff
- Current Meter Reading
- PM Meter Reading %
- PM Type
This can also be ran directly from the Power BI site
This can also be ran directly from the Power BI site HERE.
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