6. SCS Reports
25 Articles
- 6.1 How do I print a part label?
- 6.2 When would I use the Simple Inventory Status Report?
- 6.3 How do I run the Stock Count Report to count parts?
- 6.4 When would I run the Stock Count ERRORS Report?
- 6.5 When would I run the Stock Count EXCEPTION Report?
- 6.6 When should I run the Stock Count Variance Summary Report?
- 6.7 When should I run the Stock Count Variance Detail Report?
- 6.8 Is there a report that will help me determine which parts I should stock? (Service Level Report)
- 6.9 What is the purpose of the Active/Inactive Report?
- 6.10 When would I use the Bill of Material (BoM) Report?
- 6.11 Is there a report that shows me Inventory Parts on hand that are not associated with Equipment?
- 6.12 Is there a report that will show me Parts that are only associated with Scrapped/Decommissioned Equipment?
- 6.13 What kind of information is on the Part Details Report and when would the SCS use it?
- 6.14 What information is on the Purchase Order Detail Report?
- 6.15 How can I see my Part Spend for a Single Machine on Work Orders?
- 6.16 How can I see my Part Spend for Breakdown Tasks on Work Orders?
- 6.17 My customer wants to see all parts cost on a Work Order/Task. How do I find that?
- 6.18 Which POs will show up on my Billable PO report (ZPO)?
- 6.19 When would I run the Open Req_PO Report?
- 6.20 How can I see my Part Spend on Work Orders?
- 6.21 I need to run a report on parts consumed on Tasks by asset number. How do I do that?
- 6.22 How do I print 1.1" x 3.5" part labels with Bar Code, ATS and MFG part number, location and bin?
- 6.23 What is the purpose of the Repairable Parts Consumed report?
- 6.24 What information is available for the SCS in Power BI?
- 6.25 Storeroom Dashboard in Power BI