eFactoryPro Wiki

6.7 When should I run the Stock Count Variance Detail Report?

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The Stock Count Variance Detail report shows you the difference (positive or negative) by part between what the system shows as an On Hand Quantity and what was entered on the Stock Count Sheet.

Please see the individual documents for screen shots on how to perform .

The Stock Count Variance Detail Report is basically the fourth major part of running a cycle count.  You will have previously:  

A.  Created a new Cycle Count/Physical and checked the Run Log to confirm that it ran without errors or exceptions.

B.  Ran the Stock Count Report to print off your count sheets and exported the file to .pdf and Saved in your Cycle Count Folder.

C.  Physically counted the inventory on the shelves and bins.

D.  Entered the inventory in the computer.

Once you have entered a Usable quantity for all items, plus the Counted by ID as well as Date and Time in the Header, you are ready to start the variance process.

1. Press the VARIANCE button and confirm that the Variance processed without errors.

2. A confirmation message will tell you that the variance process has started.  Click OK.

3. Check the run log to confirm that that the variance processed without errors.

File > Run Log.  Under the General Tab, Select Stock Run Variance as the Run Type.  Click on the General Tab and Enter your Stock Count number in the Foreign Key Number 1 Field.  Check the Status Description to make sure there are no errors.

4. Go to the ATS Reporting Server.

5. Select the language for your report.

6. Click on the tile for the Stock Count Variance Detail report.

7. Enter the criteria for your report.

7.1. Enter your 4-digit site number.

7.2. Uncheck the Null box next to Stock Count Run ID and enter your number.

7.3. Leave everything else as is (to pull the most information.)

7.4. You can choose to see All Variances or All Records.  The default is All Variances, which will show you all positive and negative results.

7.5. Click View Report.

7.6. A loading message appears.

7.7. You will know that the report is running properly when the bar populates under the report criteria.

7.8. If you want to export the file, click on the floppy disc and choose the format you desire.

Export the file to .pdf and Save in your Cycle Count Folder.

8. Investigate every difference that is positive or negative to ensure that what you physically counted is what you have on hand.

  • Do NOT assume that only negative quantities are a problem.
  • Do NOT assume that only large quantities are a problem.  One item that has a $1,000.00 cost will have a much greater impact than 8 items at $5.04.
  • You can investigate what has happened with this part through the Part Transaction screen.
  • You could also look at the Stock Record to see if you have quantity in another bin that is over/under as someone may have possibly returned the part to the wrong place.

Remember to download and save all of your reports to a .pdf format.

9. Adjust your system count up or down if you find any discrepancies between your original count.

If large discrepancies were found, press the Variance button and run the Stock Count Variance Detail Report again.

10. Run the Stock Count Variance Summary to see at a glance the financial impact of the Stock Count.

Export the file to .pdf and Save in your Cycle Count Folder.

11. Once you're satisfied that the number is accurate, Post the Count.  eFACTORYPRO updates the count qty. adjustments for the user when the Stock Count is Posted and that there is No Need to also go into Logistics Mgr. and manually enter misc. adjustments to correct Stock Count Variance quantities.


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