4. Understanding Inventory Management in eFP3
44 Articles
- 4.1 Overview of the SCS/Buyer Workflow (non-EDI)
- 4.2 What is EDI and how does it affect Supply Chain at my site?
- 4.3 Understanding the Bill of Materials
- 4.4 What do I need to know about the Stock Record?
- 4.5 What do I need to know about the Part Record?
- 4.6 What do I need to know about Alternate Part Numbers?
- 4.7 How can I see the status of NEW PART Requests waiting on the Buyer?
- 4.8 How can I tell if a NEW PART request has been completed by the buyer?
- 4.9 How to investigate when the SCS doesn't get the request for a NEW PART from the Tech.
- 4.10 How do I deal with parts at my site that I have MFG Part Numbers for but they are not listed as Parts in the system?
- 4.11 When would I check the Event Log for a Requisition/Purchase Order?
- 4.12 What do I do if I don't see "Inventory" in my File menu on the CLIENT?
- 4.13 What issues are caused by having only one Supply Chain Specialist listed per site?
- 4.14 My Tech ordered a New Part from the wrong location. It still says NEW PART on the Task -- Can I change the location on the Task, or do I have to contact the Buyer?
- 4.15 How do I set my PO's to default to Billable to Customer?
- 4.16 If I have to order a part in lots of 24, is there a way I can set up the system to force that?
- 4.17 What is the purpose of the Active/Inactive Report?
- 4.18 Is there a report that will help me determine which parts I should stock? (Service Level Report)
- 4.19 Is there an easy way to check to see which parts are missing the Refill Flag in the Stock Record?
- 4.20 How do I add a bin in the Work Module?
- 4.21 How do I fix accidentally hitting PRINT PICKS from the Tasks menu in the CLIENT?
- 4.22 How do I delete a stock record at my site?
- 4.23 New Part Request not tied to a Work Order
- 4.24 How does the Part Need request and Task ID information flow through to the Requisition / Purchase Order / Receipt?
- 4.25 When would I use the Bill of Material (BoM) Report?
- 4.26 How do I add a stock record to my site?
- 4.27 When trying to receive a Part on a PO, I get this error message: Invalid value for column_receiving_unit.bin_id.
- 4.28 My customer wants to see all parts cost on a Work Order/Task. How do I find that?
- 4.29 How can I see my Part Spend for Breakdown Tasks on Work Orders?
- 4.30 How can I see my Part Spend for a Single Machine on Work Orders?
- 4.31 What happens after the Tech enters a NEW PART request in the Work Module?
- 4.32 How did I get Open Part Needs on a Completed Task?
- 4.33 Understanding the Stock Authorization Process
- 4.34 What is the Logistics Manager used for?
- 4.35 Is there an Overview of the different types of ATS Materials Management Contracts ?
- 4.36 How and when to use the Part Transaction Log?
- 4.37 As a Supply Chain Specialist in the UK, how do I update the Preferred Supplier for a Part?
- 4.38 SBS: How do I reverse out a part that has already been used on a Task?
- 4.39 How are the Lead Times that are displayed in the part screens calculated?
- 4.40 What is a Commodity Group?
- 4.41 How does the part need search work when starting from the "Equipment" option?
- 4.42 How do Replacement Parts and Repairable Parts show up in the Part Screen?
- 4.43 How are Bins displayed when the Tech is working with Parts in the Portal?
- 4.44 Understanding the Bill of Materials