As always, there has been a ton of work done to support future releases. We are waiting to communicate those until the entire functionality can be released at once.
Design Update: Period Capacity
In the Period Capacity screen we will see some styling changes tonight. There are no functionality changes - just styling. Here is a quick reference of the changes:
- Safety Icon warning triangle replaced by orange cone.
- Recommended star icon replaced by Seal of Approval icon.
- Alternating row colors have been removed.
- Overflow dots (see screenshot below) removed in Period Capacity, Tasks, and Job Plan grids.
- Calendar range color change from gray to blue.
- Filter preset drop down list changed from gray theme to white theme.
- Task IDs appear in the split display style where a space appears every four digits. Example, 1234567 appears as "123 4567".
In Planning -> Tasks and Job Plans the grid styling updated to:
- Alternating row colors removed.
- Column overflow dots removed.
- Action Menu icon changed from three vertical dots to three horizontal dots.
- Task IDs appear in the split display style.
Next release is scheduled for 9/06/2022.
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