2. PMs
31 Articles
- 2.1 PM Plan Module Demo & FAQ
- 2.2 PM Plans - Navigation
- 2.3 PM Plans - Creating a new PM Plan (Calendar)
- 2.4 PM Plans - Creating a new PM Plan (Meter)
- 2.5 PM Plans - Creating a new PM from the Equipment screen
- 2.6 PM Plans - How do I get new equipment loaded and set up with PMs?
- 2.7 PM Plans - Editing a PM
- 2.8 PM Plans - How do I inactivate a PM?
- 2.9 How should I set up my screen to make it easiest to cancel PMs when I have A LOT to do?
- 2.10 PM Plans - What is the best way to completely cancel PM coverage on an Asset?
- 2.11 How do I put a PM Schedule on Hold (INACTIVE)?
- 2.12 How do I remove PMs from decommissioned/scrapped equipment?
- 2.13 How do I create a PM for a sub-location?
- 2.14 PM Plans - how do Reactivate a PM line that was previously Inactivated?
- 2.15 How do I change Frequency on an existing PM?
- 2.16 How do I export a list of PMs?
- 2.17 PM Plans - Hold process for Planned Shut Down
- 2.18 How do I stop downtime from accruing while my site is on a Planned Outage?
- 2.19 What is the best way to use Follow-up Maintenance (FM) Tasks?
- 2.20 How can I see the Follow-Up Maintenance Tasks at my site?
- 2.21 What do I need to understand about PM Metrics?
- 2.22 PM / PdM % - ATS Standard
- 2.23 PM/PdM Compliance - ATS Standard
- 2.24 How do Completion Dates work?
- 2.25 PM/PdM Completion - ATS Standard
- 2.26 Proactive vs. Reactive - ATS Standard
- 2.27 How do Tasks with the Proactive toggle affect the CONC metric for Eaton sites?
- 2.28 What is the best way to see my PMs that are due by today?
- 2.29 Is there an easy way to see all Open PM Tasks that are marked Regulatory?
- 2.30 PM Plans - How do I change the compliance dates on a PM?
- 2.31 Why do PMs on decommissioned equipment keep generating?