Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO and the Planner Portal.
1. From the PM Plans home screen select the +Create PM button.
All fields are required fields when creating a PM Plan.
2. Enter an asset ID (must be an exact match) or search for an Asset ID.
Users can use the Search Asset ID box to search for a SPECIFIC asset or use the Search Equipment button shown below.
4. From the Frequency Type select Calendar.
5. Enter a Frequency Value.
The MAX value that can be associated to a Frequency Unit is: 28 days, 104 weeks, 24 months, and 10 years.
The 104 week max on weeks will allow a user to enter 52 weeks to make a true annual PM. As opposed to selecting 1 year- at 336 days.
6. Enter a Frequency Unit.
Choices are:
- Days
- Weeks (7 days)
- Months (31 days)
- Years (336 days)
7. Enter a Generation Lead Time Value.
8. Select a Generation Lead Time unit.
Choices are:
- Days
- Weeks (7 days)
- Months (31 days)
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