Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
The benefit of using the SPS Fulfillment Center vs. the Ad-Hoc Reporting tool is that you are not constrained by the 30-day date range.
For best results, please use Google Chrome when accessing the SPS Fulfillment center.
1. Open a window of the Chrome Browser and type into the address bar.
2. Enter your user name and password and click the Login button.
3. If you just want to look up a specific invoice, enter the number in the search field and hit the magnifying glass.
There are two options to go in and print this document. One is to double click on the invoice number hyperlink. This will show you all of the information related to the invoice. We will come back to this.
4. Another option is to click on the three dots at the end of the line.
5. Choose Print Business Document.
6. A message will show you that the document is processing.
You must have pop-up blockers disabled in order for this option to work. If you receive an error message, please check your pop-up blocker settings.
9. The main benefit of this approach is that you have easy access to other related documents.
Scroll down from the header information until you see the Business View Tab.
10. To print the invoice from here, click on the printer icon.
11. A message tells you that the document is processing.
If you get an error, please check that pop-up blockers are turned off for this site.
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