eFactoryPro Wiki

Mobile App Navigation - Basic

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

1. 3 line icon:

1.2. Will tell use which role users are logged into.

1.3. Tasks, Work Orders and Equipment will take the use to those screens the same as on the home screen.

1.4. About - will tell the user information about the EFP mobile app.

Users will need to scroll down on this screen to see the next two options.

1.5. Offline Mode - select this toggle to go into offline mode.

1.6. Sign Out - will sign the current user out of eFactoryPro mobile.

2. 3 dot Icon:

2.1. Create Work Order - this will kick off the creation process for a new Work Order.

2.2. Cancel - will take the user back to the home screen.

3. Site Information -

3.1. This displays what site the user is logged into. By selecting the current site, a user can see all the sites they have access to if it is more than one.

3.2. If a user has access to multiple sites they can select their current site and they will see a list of the others that they have access. Here they can select a new site to work within or change their default site (by selecting the radio button on the right).

This is also the way users will change their default site. Once a site is changed that will become the new default site.

4. My Open Tasks -

4.2. On the right side will be the task status.

4.3. Search bar - will let users search through the populated view by using specific search terms.

4.4. Filter - this will let users apply filters to the list to create a more specific list.

4.5. Regulatory indicator - this will let the user know if this is a regulatory task. It will also display a banner across the top when viewing the task itself.

5. Open Work Orders -

5.1. This link will function like My Open Tasks above but will be at the Work Order Level. The default view will be All Open Work Orders. Here the user will see a list of clickable links of the Open Work Orders.

5.2. Search icon - will let users search through the populated view by using specific search terms.

5.3. Filter icon- this will let users apply filters to the list to create a more specific list.

5.4. Regulatory indicator - this will let the user know if this is a regulatory work order.

5.5. Task - will take the user back to the list of My Open Tasks.

6. Home - will take the user back to the Home page.

7. Tasks - will populate a list of My Open Tasks (as seen above).

8. Work Orders - will populates a list of Open Work Orders (as seen above).

10. Creating a Work Order -

Items with a red asterisk are mandatory fields.

10.1. Select the 3-dot icon in the upper right corner.

10.2. From the Actions dialog box, select Create Work Order.

10.3. Select the Type of Work.

The default will be CM - Corrective Maintenance. But by selecting the Type of Work line, the user will also have the choices of:

CA - Calibration

CI - Continuous Improvement

EV - Event

HA - Health Assessment

MT - Meetings

PR - Project

TR - Training

10.4. Select the Priority.

The default will be 3 - Normal. But by selecting the Priority line, the user will also have the choices of:

1 - Emergency

2 - Urgent

3 - Normal

4 - Low

5 - Backlog

10.5. Enter a Problem Description.

10.7. Select the toggle is this task is Proactive.

10.8. Select Next.

If, at any time, you wish to cancel out of the Work Order creation, simply click the Cancel button in the upper right corner of the white banner.

Equipment/Sublocation -

10.9. To select a piece of Equipment or Sub-Location select select the tab of whichever one you would like to choose.

10.10. Users will have the option to scroll through either list or select the Magnifying Glass icon to perform a search in either category.

10.11. Once the Equipment or Sub-Location is found press Select.

10.13. If a Malfunction is entered the used will be prompted to enter a malfunction start time/date.

If the Type is taken from None to Reduced/Down or from Reduced to Down a start time/date will have to be entered.

10.14. Select Next.

Additional Notes -

10.15. The user will now have to option to enter any additional notes.

Anything added in the Additional Notes area will automatically be entered into the Notes section.

10.16. Select Next.

Assigning the task

10.17. Select a Team (default will be the team that is associated that the selected piece of equipment).

10.18. Select a Technician (default will be unassigned).

10.19. Enter Contact Information (default will be the user that is logged in).

10.20. Select Save.

If at any time the user wants to exit the Work Order creation process they can select Cancel in the upper right corner.

10.21. User will get a notification that the Work Order and Task was created.

11. Creating a Work Order from the Equipment Hub

11.1. Select the 3 dot icon in the upper right corner and select Create Work Order.

11.2. The work order creation process will be the same as above with the exception of the second step will default to the piece of equipment the user started the process with. Hit Select to confirm the chosen piece of equipment.

11.3. Select Next. The rest of the process will be the same as above.

12. Filtering the views -

12.1. Quick Filters – will display all tasks under a specific view type.

Choices under Quick Filters are:

My Open Tasks (default)

My Open PMs

All Open Tasks

Unassigned Tasks

Assigned Tasks

Today's Schedule

Down and Reduced

Recent Customer Tasks

Open Safety Tasks

Open Tasks WMAT

All Open PMs

All Carryover

Low Priority

Reviewed Tasks

All Tasks


12.2. Team - will allow users to search by the team that a task has been assigned. Default will be ALL teams but selecting the filter line will allow the user to search/select a specific team(s) using "contains, equals, starts with, ends with" to shorten your populated list. Make sure to select DONE after populating this filter.
12.3. Asset ID - will allow users to search by the Asset ID. Default will be ALL assets but selecting the filter line will allow the user to search/select a specific team(s) using "contains, equals, starts with, ends with" to shorten your populated list. Make sure to select DONE after populating this filter.
12.4. Asset Description - will allow users to search by the Asset Description. Default will be ALL descriptions but selecting the filter line will allow the user to search/select a specific team(s) using "contains, equals, starts with, ends with" to shorten your populated list. Make sure to select DONE after populating this filter.
12.5. Task Status - will allow the user to select the toggle(s) of the status(s) to choose the tasks the user would like to populate.
12.7. Malfunction Type – will allow the user to select the toggle(s) to choose the malfunction type(s) of the tasks the user would like to populate.
12.8. Operating Status – will allow the user to select the toggle(s) to choose the operating type(s) of the tasks the user would like to populate.
12.9. Created – will allow the user to select the toggle(s) to choose the created dates of the tasks the user would like to populate. The default will be All, but the user will also have to option to select specific Start and End dates to filter.
12.10. Priority – will allow the user to select the toggle(s) to choose the priority(s) of the tasks the user would like to populate.
12.11. Technician – will allow the user to select from ALL, ASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED or the ASSIGNED TO option to populate a list of tasks.

Under Assigned To there will be various search types:

Contains - will search all fields for what is entered.

Equals - will search specifically what is entered.

Starts With - will search in both First Name and Last Name but only the First letter of the entry.

Ends With - will search in both First name and Last Name but here it will search for the last letter in the entry.

12.13. Compliance Start - if the task is a PM this will be the date that the task will need to be started.
12.14. Compliance Finish - if the task is a PM this will be the date that the task will need to be finished.
12.15. Type - allows the user to toggle combinations of INPB, INPF, MOTH, MPRO and MRCT work orders for their list.

If you want to see all Proactive work, you would need to sort by this TYPE, as Task Templates for PMs and PdMs are numbered, and will not show up in the Template list.

12.16. Job Plan – will allow the user to select the toggle(s) to choose the template type(s) of the tasks the user would like to populate.
12.17. Safety – will allow the user to view tasks that are Safety Related.
12.18. Sub-Location - this will allow you to filter by a specific sub-location(s) by using multiple parameters.

A video on this topic can be found by clicking the following link:


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