eFactoryPro Wiki

What has to be completed in a Task in the mobile app?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

There are certain requirements that need to be finished in order to complete a Task.  Depending on the Type of Work (or Task Type), the requirements differ.

Any of the MPRO Task Types (PM - Preventative, PdMs - Predictive,  and FM- Follow-Up Maintenance) or MOTH Task Types (PR - Project, EV - Event, CA - Calibration, CI - Continuous Improvement, TR - Training, MT - Meeting,  and HA - Health Assessment) will generally only have three things required:  Steps, Labor and Notes.  

If the Work Order is MRCT, Reactive in nature, the task will be CM - Corrective Maintenance.  At a minimum, CM Tasks require you to also enter Repair Codes.  

All of these functions can be accessed from the task summary screen:

1. STEPS - At a very minimum, all Tasks will include the Pre-Task Analysis.  This is the safety checklist that the Techs perform before each job to ensure that they are following ATS' Zero Incident Culture.

If you are working on a PM, the Steps will also contain the operations needed to perform the work.

1.1. Click on the check box above the steps.  This will complete the steps.  A confirmation message will appear.  Click OK.

To navigate back to the Task Summary panel, click the arrow in the Top Navigation Bar.

1.2. If the task is an MPRO then the user will see the steps to perform that maintenance. Optional steps are noted with an asterisk.

When the list of steps are listed for a PM Task there might be OPTIONAL steps. These steps are DO NOT need to be marked as complete in order to complete the Task.

2. NOTES - At least one Note is needed before the Task can be completed.  Obviously, someone did work to complete the Task, and that person's (or persons) work must be recorded.

2.1. Select either the icon in the middle of the screen or the smaller on in the upper right corner.

2.2. Select the appropriate Line Code (default will be Repair).

2.3. Enter the Note regarding the Task.

2.4. Select Save.

2.5. A confirmation message will appear.

2.6. The Note will populate.

With each Labor entry, Notes must be entered detailing what exactly was done.  This text entry will default into the Notes section.

3. LABOR  - All tasks MUST have a labor entry. As mentioned above any info entered in Labor will automatically populate in the Notes.

3.1. Select either the icon in the middle of the screen or the smaller on in the upper right corner.

3.2. Select a technician or technicians (default will be the user that is currently logged in).

3.3. Select a Line Code from the list (default is Repair).

3.4. Select the Start Date/Time.

3.5. Select the End Date/Time (default time will be the current time).

3.6. Enter labor Note.

3.7. Select the toggle if this labor is T&M billable.

3.8. Select SAVE.

3.9. The Labor Line will be populated (info entered will also be populated automatically into the Notes as a separate line).

There will be at least 2 names on the labor line. The first name listed will be the person that entered the information and the second (or more) will be the technician(s) name(s) that are listed as doing the labor.

The person who entered the labor line or the person listed as the technician will be able to edit the labor line by selecting it.

4. PARTS - Users DO NOT have to have Parts in order to a complete a task. But if there are parts involved they must be CONSUMED in order to complete a task.

Adding and Consuming a Part from the BOM (default view in Parts) that is in stock:

4.1. To add a part into Part Needs, select the + button.

4.2. Select Part Need.

4.3. Parts that are in this machines BOM will populate automatically. This list could be empty or have dozens of choices. Users can easily select from this list if they are looking for a part already associated to this machine.

4.4. Details of the part will be displayed.

4.5. Displayed in green will be the estimated lead time on this part. As this is in stock our example reads 0 days.

4.6. Once a part is chosen the number available for a specific location is displayed in the green circle.

4.7. Select a location to pull the part from.

4.8. And a quantity of the part to add to the Part Needs.

4.9. Select Next.

Estimated lead time will read 0 until the next screen.

4.10. The Compare Parts screen is next. Here on the SELECTED tab you will get a detailed summary of the part chosen. This includes the ATS Part ID, Estimated Lead Time (according to the amount chosen), the Estimated Delivery Date as well as: Description, MFG, MFG Part #, Commodity, Location, Site and Bin.

4.11. The Alternate tab will give you any alternative parts choices as the are listed in the system. This may or may not be populated depending on the listing of an actual alternate part.

4.12. Hit the Select button to select the part.

4.13. Select the Priority.

4.14. Enter the Need By Date.

4.15. Select if this is an After Hours request (Priority will then default to 1-Emergency).

4.16. Enter any Notes (optional).

4.17. Select Save.

If the Work Order was created with a priority of 1-Emergency, the default will be 1-Emergency but can still be changed to 2, 3, 4 or 5. This is true whether it is a regular Part Need, NEW PART, or SERVICE. If not the closest Need By Date will be 7 days out from the request date.

When a part is not in stock, the system will generate a Req for the Supply Chain Specialist to release. If the Priority is set to 1, 2 or is an After Hours Emergency Request, this will automatically make this a "Hot Requisition".

4.18. The Part Need has been added.

Adding a part need that is NOT in stock:

4.19. When adding a part that is not currently in stock the Part Summary screen will show the part and quantity that is on back order.

If the part is not in stock, the Task Status automatically changes to HOLD, with a reason of Waiting on Materials.  It will remain in that status until the part is received into stock by your Supply chain Specialist.

4.20. To CONSUME the part from Part Needs select the part line.

4.21. Select the 3 dot icon.

4.22. Select Consume.

4.23. Review the information and select Consume again.

4.24. The Part is now under Parts Used.

4.25. From the Add Part Need screen select the Filter icon.

4.27. My Site Stock - by default this is ON also. Clicking the toggle off will open the search outside of what your site has in stock.

Toggling off Related Equipment and My Site Stock would be the equivalent to searching All Parts in the Portal.

4.28. Manufacturer - this will allow you to filter the part according to their MFG. User can scroll the list or enter a name in the search bar to narrow results.

4.29. Commodity - this will let the user refine their search to a specific category of parts.

4.30. Once the user has applied any filters select Done.

4.31. Results will populate and a more broad search can be made using the search bar.

Replacement Part

4.33. Select Next.

4.34. Select the Replacement Part line. This will show the details of that part.

4.35. The user can then Select the replacement part.

Creating a New Part -

4.36. Select the red plus sign from the Parts screen.

4.37. Select Part Need.

4.38. Select the red plus sign from the Add part Need screen.

4.39. Select Create New Part.

If the user enters a name in the search that is not in the list they will have the option to select the name they searched with NEW next to it. This option will then be populated in the MFG name.

4.41. Enter the MFG's part number.

4.42. Select the Material Group.

4.43. Enter the Quantity.

4.44. Select the Priority (3-Normal is the default).

4.45. Select the Need By Date (defaults to 7 days from current day).

If the priority is 1 or 2, you can MANUALLY adjust this to be something less than 7 days.  If the Priority is 3, 4, or 5, you cannot adjust the Need By Date to be anything less than 7 Days.

4.46. Select the Location.

4.47. Enter a Part Description.

4.48. This field can only be 50 characters in length. A message will pop up if the field is too long.

4.49. Enter a Note.

4.50. Select if this is an after hours request (optional).

This option will will always be a part of the New Part screen. A Technician would ONLY use this option when the Supply Chain Specialist (SCS) and Buyer are not available and you need a PO# to generate so you can go buy the part.

4.51. Select Save.

4.52. The New Part request will be populated in Part Needs.

Deleting a Part Need

4.53. Select the part need line that you want to delete.

4.54. From that parts summary select the 3 dot icon in the upper right corner.

4.55. Select Cancel Need.

4.56. Confirm the decision to cancel this part need.

4.57. Select OK.

4.58. The Part Need has been deleted.

5. MALFUNCTION - Entering a Malfunction or downtime is also most often associated with a Reactive Work Order or CM Task, but can actually be associated with any type of Task. If there is a malfunction on the Task, it must be resolved before the Task can be completed. To enter a Malfunction manually AFTER the creation of the Work Order follow these steps:

5.1. Select the Malfunction icon.

5.2. Select either plus sign icon to add a Malfunction.

5.3. Select a Malfunction type.

5.4. Enter a start time/date.

5.5. Select Save.

6. If a Malfunction was entered during the Work Order creation, the status will show DOWN in red or Reduced in gold, indicating that a stop time must be entered before the Task can be completed.

6.1. Select the Stop Date line and select a stop time.

6.2. Select Save.

6.3. A confirmation box will appear.

7. If a Malfunction was entered in error it can be deleted:

7.1. Select the current Malfunction

7.2. Select Delete.

7.3. Confirm the deletion by selecting Yes.

7.4. Malfunction has been deleted.

  • If there is already an existing malfunction on the Task, do not enter another.  
  • Be sure to remove any overlapping malfunctions before closing the Task.
  • If the malfunction was entered in error, it should be deleted (not stopped).
  • After entering a Malfunction always check the Overlapping Malfunction button to see if there is already a malfunction associated to this machine. Overlapping malfunctions will result in DOUBLE down time recorded in the sites metrics.

8. Meters - meters may or may not be associated to a piece of equipment. If a machine is NOT metered the user will see the "No Meters Available" message. If there are meters on the selected equipment the user can enter the information. If a reading has been recorded the latest reading will be displayed.

8.1. Select the meter to record a reading (there may be more than one meter associated).

8.2. Select the red plus sign.

8.3. Enter the meter reading.

8.4. Select Reading Type. Either Initial or Actual.

8.5. Enter a Note if necessary.

8.6. Select Save.

8.7. The new reading will populate.

8.8. By selecting the meter reading the user can see all specifics of that meter. This will be the only way to see any notes entered during meter readings or to delete the reading. Users will ONLY have the option to delete the last reading recorded.

9. REPAIR - For MRCT Work Orders (CM Tasks), you will also be REQUIRED to enter Repair Codes. Select from the drop downs for Object, Symptom, Problem, Resolution and enter any Comments (optional).

9.1. Select one of the add buttons.

9.2. From the drop down select an OBJECT.

9.3. From the drop down select an SYMPTOM.

9.4. From the drop down select a PROBLEM.

9.5. From the drop down select a RESOLUTION.

9.6. Enter a NOTE.

9.7. Select SAVE.

9.8. A confirmation box will appear.

It is important that the code is the most closely related to the problem you addressed.  If you need additional codes entered into the system, please submit a request via email to the Help Desk.

10. Finally, Attachments are always optional.  The most common use for Attachments is a picture of a Critical Find.

  • Click the Choose File button.
  • Choose File will open a dialog box for you to choose the item to upload.
  • Enter a Description.
  • Click Save.
  • Once added, the attachment can be view by everyone.

Take advantage of your mobile app by taking a photo using your device for quick upload into the EFP system.

10.1. Select either add button.

10.2. Select the ADD button and select the attachment.

10.3. Enter a description.

10.4. Select Save.

10.5. The attachment is uploaded and will now be able to been seen and downloaded by other users.

11. Once all required information has been entered the user can now complete the task.

11.1. Select the 3 dot icon in the upper right corner.

11.2. Select Complete Task.

11.3. If there are entries that are required that have not been the user will get this message.

11.4. If all entries have been entered the task will be marked complete.

A video on this topic can be found by clicking the following link:


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