Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
Once the SCS Releases the Requisition to the Buyer, s/he cannot make any changes to the quantity requested. The BUYER can make changes up until the time they POST it.
1. In our example, the Buyer sees the PO Text in this Released Requisition: "There are two items with this part number... not sure which one needs to be ordered."
This is the kind of thing that should be sorted out at the site before releasing to the buyer.
Noticing the note, the buyer would send this back to the SCS.
2. The Buyer unchecks the Release box.
3. From the drop-down menu under Workflow, the Buyer selects Blocked.
4. The Buyer then clicks Save in the header.
The PO has not yet been posted at this point, so changes will be able to be made.
5. An event record is created and tracked in the Event Log.
The Buyer lets the SCS know that the REQ is blocked and why.
You can search for all blocked items by going to the Groupings tab in the search and choosing "Blocked" from the workflow. Click the magnifying glass or enter to load.
6. Once the issue has been resolved, the SCS can make the necessary changes.
1. Change the Internal Comments to include what was changed.
2. Adjust any part information as needed.
3. Check the release button again to send back to buyer.
7. Click SAVE to send it back to the Buyer.
Please communicate with your Buyer that the Req is back in their Queue.
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