Log into the CLIENT using Windows authentication, with your normal USER ID. You must perform these exercises in the Training Site (0493- ST#0000105678)
Note: If you do not have access to the training site, please contact the Spirit Desk before continuing. You will want to use it in future exercises.
Do NOT use your Site Production account to Practice! You must use Site 0493 (ST0000105678.)
It is specifically designed for you to be able to play around in, make mistakes and learn without any consequences to REAL data.
Pull out your sheet from Creating Parts Requisitions Practice. You are going to receive the Reqs that you generated in that session.
Find the Corresponding PO numbers from your Requisitions.
- Requisition ______________________ PO ______________________ Part #100066617 QTY 2
- Requisition ______________________ PO ______________________ Part #100016618/19 QTY 2/5
- Requisition ______________________ PO ______________________ Part #100017130 QTY 3
- Requisition ______________________ PO ______________________ Part #NEW PART QTY 1
* What was the ATS Part Number that was created for the last Req? _________________________
* Do you have a Stock Record for your site for that part? ________Y ________N
If Yes, in which location? __________________
Go to the receiving screen.
1. Receive the PO for Part ID 100066617 exactly as is.
2. A) For Part 100016618 - only 1 of the 2 came in. The remaining one will be shipped at a later date.
2. B) For Part 100011619, this line will be shipped later. Please remove it from the receiving record.
What part of the receipt did you remove it from? _______________________________________________________________
Did you receive an error? _____Y _____N
If so, what did it say? ___________________________
What will you do when it the remaining product comes in? _________________________________________________
3. Receive the PO for part 100017130 in full.
Note any problems you may have had: _______________________________________________________________
4. Receive the PO for the Part that started out without a Maximo/ATS Part Combination.
Is there any difference in the way you would handle this part from this point on? _____Y _____N
Print this document before continuing. You will need the information for future.
You are done. Great job!
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