Log into the CLIENT using Windows authentication, with your normal USER ID. You must perform these exercises in the Training Site (0493- ST#0000105678)
Note: If you do not have access to the training site, please contact the Service Desk before continuing. You will want to use it in future exercises.
Do NOT use your Site Production account to Practice! In that case, you must use Site 0493 (ST0000105678.)
It is specifically designed for you to be able to play around in, make mistakes and learn without any consequences to REAL data.
1. Create a Goods and Services Requisition for Vendor Managed Inventory for the upcoming month.
Ensure that the site shows 0493- ST#0000105678. This is critical, or a Requisition will go to the Purchasing Department to be released to the vendor!
PO Category should be Service through Order.
Be sure that the release box is unchecked.
Add a NEW GNS Line.
Wait two minutes and check the Events Tab.
What quantity did you enter? _______________________________________________ Why? _______________________________________________
Once the buyer posts the PO, could this be used as a blanked PO - meaning can be received against more than once? _______________________________________________ Why? _______________________________________________
What Customer Need by date did you enter? _______________________________________________
What service category did you enter? _______________________________________________
Did you remember to change the Description from Services to something that makes more sense?
Did you put a note in the internal comments saying this was for next month's VMI?
Write down your Requisition number here ________________________________________
2. Create a manual Req for Office Supplies "Cleanup for Customer Visit in 2 weeks."
Complete the remaining info. Check the release box and Save.
Did you have to do the math to get the PO total? _______Y _______N
What Service Category did you enter? _______________________________ Was one required? _______Y _______N
What Work Order did you enter? _______________________________ Was one required?_______Y _______N
Did you remember to change the Description from Office Supplies on EACH Line to the description of what you were buying.? _______Y _______N
What happens if you did not change the description? _______________________________________________________
Write down your Requisition number here ________________________________________
Email or the Requisition number to Ellen Markey so that they can be converted to Purchase Orders to be used in the next course.
Print this document before continuing. You will need the information for future.
You are done. Great job!
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