Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.
This article will take you through the process of creating a work order that is NOT related to a malfunction as a Customer.
If you are following along in the training environment use the following credentials:
Log in - 493
Password - Peoria
- There will be many times when the Work Order you are entering is NOT directly related to a machine having a problem that is impacting production.
- If you are not reporting an equipment malfunction, follow the steps below:
1. From the home screen, go to the button in the upper right portion of the screen and click + Work Order.
2. "Is this a change over?" will always be No.
3. Change the toggle for "Are you reporting an equipment issue?" to NO.
The default will always start out as "YES" when creating a work order in the Customer portal. Since this is not a PROBLEM with the machine, slide the toggle to NO.
4. Select if anyone is in danger or at risk of injury. The default is NO.
5. Select if this requires an immediate response. The default is NO.
6. Enter a Detailed Description of the work to be done.
7. Click NEXT.
This will take you to the Location tab.
8. You have the option to select either a specific Asset ID or use the Search Equipment button or use the drop down to search for a sublocation.
The Customer will have the option to choose either a piece of equipment or Sublocation. If the first toggle is left to the default as YES, then the user will only be able to choose a piece of equipment, as a malfunction can not be logged against a sub-location.
If following along with the training and selecting a piece of equipment, please be sure to select a piece of equipment that is an UP status.
In our example, we are choosing a sub-location.
9. Select a Sub-location.
You must select equipment or a sub-location.
10. Click Next.
11. The problem description field in step one above is 250 characters. The Additional Notes field is 10,000 characters and will show up in the Notes section of the Task/Work Order. This gives the Customer plenty of room to describe everything related to the issue.
12. Click NEXT.
13. The assignment defaults to the Team designated to that specific piece of equipment or sub-location.
If, for some reason, the Team field is blank, please select the team that is your four-digit site number followed by ATS.
This is the Technician group for your site.
14. Contact Name and Email will need to be entered.
While the email address is optional the user can NOT click SAVE until a first and last name have been entered. Email is actually optional but should be entered as a best practice.
15. Click SAVE.
16. A Confirmation message is generated. Your Work Order number is listed.
Clicking DISMISS will take you to the home page. Clicking VIEW will take you to the Work Order Summary screen.
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