eFactoryPro Wiki

1.13 As a Customer, how can I view what progress has been made on my Work Orders in the Work Module?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Once your work order has been created, a number is assigned and given to you for your reference.

Most of the time, you won't be going to that Work Order (WO) immediately to check on its progress.  Here's how you can find it when you come back later.

1. From the Navigation Pane of the Work Module, select Work Orders.

2. The default selection is Open Work Orders. Click on the funnel to bring up the filters.

From the drop-down arrow, the user will have the choice of Open Work Orders, Closed Work Orders, All Work Orders or Custom to find the desired Work Order.

Regardless of which drop-down you are using, use the filters to search for the particular work order in question.

3. Enter the Work Order ID (or any other information to load the work order).  Hit apply.

4. Select the Work Order (the lower panel will populate with the Work Order info).

  • The Portal is set up so that you can either just scroll down to see all the information, or click on the appropriate icons to view information.  
  • Any icon/badge with a number that displays a circle in green will contain information.

6. Click over to the Task to see the most complete information.

7. SUMMARY will give an overview of the Work Order/Task.  

8. NOTES will display any manual entries, plus any information that was entered in the Labor notes.

You will also see the Additional Info during the Work Order creation.

If an Emergency PO was requested, the EPO # will be listed as well.

9. LABOR will show any labor lines that have been entered against the Work Order.

10. REPAIR will display any repair codes that have been put against a Work Order or Task. Repair Codes are only required on MRCT Work Orders.

11. METERS will ONLY display if meter readings are required. This icon will display any meter readings that have been entered, what the reading was, the type of reading (initial or actual), and on which meter the reading was taken (if there are more than one on the machine). A historical view is also listed below.

This will only be visible if the Work Order was placed on an actual asset and not a sublocation.

13. ATTACHMENTS will display anything that a user has uploaded to relay information about the Work Order. This also includes any helpful web links that have been attached.

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