The UK SCS role has additional functionality that is not present in other SCS roles: The ability to update the Preferred Supplier on the stock record.
1. From the Main Menu, go to Inventory > Stock.
2. Expand the red chevron in the search field.
3. Enter the Part ID.
4. Enter your four digit site number.
5. Enter the location.
6. Enter the Bin (optional).
7. Click the green magnifying glass.
8. The search results will load.
9. In the bottom left corner of the header are the fields for the Preferred Supplier and Preferred Repair Supplier.
10. Click on the magnifying glass at the end of the Preferred Supplier field.
12. The search originally opens on the General Tab. We will come back to that, but for now we need the Groupings Tab.
13. Click on the Groupings Tab.
14. Click the drop-down arrow next to Group and choose UK Suppliers.
15. Go back to the General Tab.
16. If you want to see all the suppliers, click the Search button and all will populate.
Make sure that you've first selected the UK Supplier Group in the General Tab.
17. Scroll down until you find the Supplier.
19. If you don't want to have to scroll to find the name, simply type the name, or any part of the name, in the search field surrounded by asterisks and click Search.
21. Click SAVE in the header.
If this is a repairable part, you can repeat the process for the Preferred Repair field.
Once the Preferred Supplier is set for the Stock Record, the requisition will generate with that supplier for your site. This is one way to ensure that the UK Suppliers are automatically chosen for UK Sites.
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