eFactoryPro Wiki

2.4 As a Supervisor, what kind of things should I look for when reviewing Tasks and Work Orders in the Work Module?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Work Orders are actually reviewed at the Task Level.  The only time where you would go to the Work Order level is when all Tasks relating to that Work Order are either completed or canceled.

1. Log into the Work Module, and click on Review in the Work section of the Navigation Pane.

2. The screen loads the Review Task functionality.

3. From the drop-down arrow, you can choose Completed or Canceled Tasks (default will be Completed).

4. Many Planner/Schedulers prefer to review all of one type of Work Order together.  This can be done by clicking on the Funnel to bring up the filter.

4.1. Click on the drop down arrow next to work order type.

4.2. Use the check boxes to select the type you want to review first.

4.3. Click Apply to see the changes in the grid.

To load the task in the bottom panel click on the line.

Task Summary

5. The screen defaults to the Task Summary View.  You can see this because the of the red dot next to the task and the Task ID is noted in the left corner.

6. Notice there is a number in green next to each icon.  You will need to review any icon with a number 1 or greater. This indicates there is an entry in that field.

7. You have the option of moving left to right, clicking on each icon, or scrolling down the page to see the entries for each field.

8. If any edits are required on the Task Summary Page, click the Edit icon. Make the necessary changes and click SAVE.

As an example, if this task should have been marked as Proactive, you can still slide the Proactive toggle over and save it before you approve the Task.

9. To print the Task/Work Order, you can use the PRINT button in the upper left of the screen.


10. Even though the Task has been completed, you still have the opportunity to leave feedback on the job plan by clicking on the plus icon at the far right of the line.

  • If there is no plus icon, there are two possible reasons:  1-there is no applied job plan, so it's probably defaulting to just the admin job plan (like CM, PR, FM where no additional steps were added) or 2-the job plan is probably a Master Job Plan.  
  • You can research to see if that is the case by looking at the Summary screen to see which Job Plan ID is associated with the Task.

10.1. A pop-up window will come up to allow you to add general or step-specific feedback.  

10.2. The step you selected will default.  If you need to change it you can click on the drop down arrow.

10.3. Enter your comment.

10.4. Click Save.

If you are trying to leave feedback that is related to the Job Plan in general not specific to a step, follow the instructions below.

10.5. Slide the Specific Step toggle to the left.

10.6. Enter a rating from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest.)

10.7. Even though you do not see the comment in the notes, it DOES get transferred to the Planner Portal.

10.8. Click Save.

A confirmation message will tell you that your feedback has been successfully entered. The comment will also show in the notes section.


11. Notes are required on every Task.

Notes will automatically be populated from the Additional Notes box in the Work Order creation and when any labor line is entered or if an emergency PO is entered.  Notes are also captured when Feedback has been entered.  All will be visible in the Supervisor Portal.

12. Click the three lines to edit or delete the note entered.


13. The Labor line entry will show the person who entered and the technician who it was entered for.  You will see the Start and End times, plus the total of time (in hours.)  Additionally you can see if the entry was marked as billable.

Remember the Line Code indicates what we bill the Customer.  Unless we are billing the Customer something other than our normal rate, it should remain as "Labor."  If you are uncertain, please check with your Planner Scheduler.

14. If you need to edit the labor, click the three dots and choose Edit from the drop down.

In this case, the entry is mistakenly marked billable.  This is for informational purposes only but it is a good idea to correct it.

15. Slide the toggle over to Billable NO & Click SAVE.

Approve Task / Work Order

16. In our example, we have reviewed everything on this Work Order/Task.  We will click the Approve button (the padlock in the green circle).  

17. A confirmation message tells us that the Task has been successfully approved and the document is removed from the queue.  Assuming that you can see part of the Grid in your screen setup, the next Work Order/Task will load.

Depending on the Type of Work Order and the requirements of your site, you may have additional things to review. 

  • MRCT Work Orders require Repair Codes.
    • They often have Malfunctions associated with them as well.
  • Some sites use Meters to determine when PMs are due.
  • Many of our sites handle the inventory for our Customers.
  • Any Work Order could have an attachment.

Remember to look for the number in the green circle next to the icon.  Anything with a number of 1 or greater should be checked during the review process!


When viewing Parts, it's always best to look at them on the Task level.  For example, in the next screenshot, we have a work Order with three tasks.

If you were to look at this by Work Order only, you would think that there are parts that are still open on the Work Order waiting to be consume, and wonder how the task was completed with Open Part Needs.

18. However, when looking closer, the task you are supposed to be reviewing is 679370.

19. You can tell that there is more than one task on this work order by the drop-down arrow next to the Task ID.

20. Click on the Parts badge from the work order icon.

21. Looking at the Part Needs, the first column tells you that 2 are all for Task 679373 and two are for 679372.  Both of these tasks are still open.

22. The need by dates are in advance and there is no Promised by dates.  This means that they haven't been ordered by the Buyer yet.

  • If you don't know what is going on with this order, check the Notes on the task, or check with your SCS or the Tech to get more information.


If you need to edit a Malfunction, it MUST be done at the Task level.

23. Check the current status and Malfunction Start and Stop Times.  If edits need to be done, click the three dots under Actions to Edit or Delete. Again, this needs to be done at the Task Level.

Downtime is tracked at the Task level, and the Task that took the machine down should be the one that takes it back up.

In the above screenshot, there is an overlapping malfunction listed.  You must always check the Overlapping Malfunctions, and if any are present, resolve them before closing the work order.  If you don't remove the overlap, your metrics will be charged double downtime for that time frame.

Repair Codes

Repair Codes are mandatory on Corrective Maintenance Tasks.

24. To edit or delete a Repair Code, select that option under the dot icon in the ACTIONS column.

25. Make any correction and select SAVE.

Adding Another Task to the Work Order

A new follow-up Task can only be added to the Work Order when it's still in an Open Status.  If the Work Order has been completed or reviewed, you cannot add a task at that time.

26. If, while reviewing a WO/Task, you find that another task needs to be added, you can go to the task summary panel and click on the pencil icon to edit.

27. Change the status from completed to In Progress.  

28. Click Save.

29. The blue plus sign icon next to the Task is used to add another task to the work order.  It is available whether you are looking at the Task or Work Order View.

Remember, the follow up task will take on the same WO Type as the original WO.

30. Complete the task information as needed.  

31. Once the follow up task has been entered, the original task can be completed again.


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