Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
1. Navigate to the ESM from the link in the portal.
2. Select a piece of equipment.
3. On the right side the user will see DETAILS.
4. Highlight and copy the ASSET ID.
5. Now go to the EQUIPMENT screen.
6. Select the Table Filter icon.
7. Under Asset ID select 'equals' and paste in the copied Asset ID.
9. Here the user can select the line and see the history of this piece of equipment.
Summary icon - displays important information about the selected equipment.
Meters icon - displays the historical meter readings for the equipment. This will only show if the selected equipment has a meter associated to it.
Work Orders icon - displays the Work Orders associated to the selected piece of equipment. There is also the option to view a selected Work Order.
Tasks icon - displays the tasks associated to the selected piece of equipment. There is also the option to view a selected Task.
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