Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.
This training will take you through the ATS Report Viewer Guide and some of its functionality.
Whether you print a report from the CLIENT or the Portal, the report will open in your browser in the ATS Report Viewer.
When the report is done building it will be shown on the screen. Regardless of what you chose when you originally selected the report criteria, it is possible to change the selection before you actually print it out by following the steps below.
1. At the top of the Report Screen is a small “handle” to click on. This will open the ATS Report Viewer. It looks similar to a staple and is located at the top center of the screen, right above the search bar.
The ATS Report Viewer Parameters show the criteria that were used to select your report from the eFACTORYPRO CLIENT/Portal Report screen.
In some cases, additional criteria may be available.
1. If a criteria was not entered on the Report screen, it will have a Null checkbox next to it.
To change Null fields: Uncheck the Null box and either type in text, use the calendar to add a date, or use the drop-down arrow to select from the menu.
If changing an entry in a drop-down menu: Uncheck the Select All box and check mark only the entries you wish to add.
2. If you change anything from the original criteria, you must click the View Report button to update the report with the changes.
1. Page or File arrows - If only viewing one document, the arrows may be used to change pages.
The number will show what page is being viewed. If the search parameters have found multiple documents, the arrows will move between documents instead of pages.
2. Refresh Page button - This button is on the right side of the Document Selection.
3. Zoom Menu - Use the drop-down arrow to change the magnification on the screen.
It auto-generates to 100%.
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