Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.
Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
To navigate to the ESM from inside the Work Module, select the Status Monitor button from the menu bar on the left the page.
Depending on your site access, the home screen of the ESM will either show a list of available sites or a single site.
Viewing the ESM
1. The default view for the ESM will show only DOWN and REDUCED equipment.
You can see the total number of each at the top.
The default order of the DOWN and REDUCED equipment will be in order of its time. Longest first, lowest last.
2. To populate the UP equipment, simply click on the up arrow icon.
3. To populate the IDLE equipment, select the idle icon.
The default order for the UP and IDLE equipment will be by Asset ID (alphabetical, then numerical).
4. You can change the sort order for the ESM. To Sort by Criticality, select the icon next to the funnel on the far right of the screen. Using the drop downs, under Sort By select Equipment Criticality and then chose Ascending.
This will sort the equipment with all Critical 1 assets together and first, followed by 2's, 3's, 4's and 5's in order. Within each group the assets will still be sorted by the time in their operating status, again with the DOWN at the top followed by reduced.
The equipment tile will be color coded:
1. Red - DOWN
2. Orange - REDUCED
3. Blue - UP
4. Upper left corner will be the criticality of the equipment.
If there is a white border on the tile, it is another indicator that this is a Critical 1 machine.
5. The top line will be the Asset ID of the equipment.
6. The middle line will be the hours is been down or reduced.
This number will NOT reflect a production schedule.
7. The bottom line will be the sub-location of equipment.
To find out information about a specific piece of equipment, click on the tile with the information. Once the equipment tile is selected, a panel will slide in from the right with more information. Contained in this panel is the following:
2. Malfunctions: This is where you will find information on the Malfunction driving the downtime.
Information include:
- WO ID, Task ID
- Malfunction ID
- Malfunction Type
- Start time of the malfunction
- Current duration of the malfunction
- Whether or not it is marked as a Breakdown
3. The WO ID and the Task ID will be hyperlinks.
Clicking these will open another tab in your browser that will take the user to the selected work order or task in the Work Module.
Use the Task and WO IDs to navigate quickly throughout the Work Module. This will be extremely useful to go straight to the WO/Task that is bringing a machine down.
4. If there are more than one active malfunctions, they will also be displayed in this view.
Multiple Malfunctions should be resolved so that the site is not charged for double downtime from overlapping malfunctions.
5. The Tasks button will display the important info about the Task and Work Order that is currently taking the machine down.
6. Alerts will be displayed in the middle center of each tile.
There are five different types of alerts. All will have their own color/icon:
- Safety related
- PM over due
- PM due with in the next 6 days
- PM due today
- Regulatory
In the ESM tile view only one icon will be visible. If a machine has a work order associated to it that is safety related (orange cone) that will be the icon that will take priority on the tile. The rest will go chronological order:
- Over Due PM (red)
- Due Today PM (yellow)
- Due with in 6 days PM (green)
- Safety (orange cone)
- Waiting on Materials (gray wrenches)
- Regulatory (orange gavel)
Below is an example of what each type of alert will look like.
Users can filter by:
- Equipment Criticality
- Sub-Location
- Alert Types
- Equipment Group
- Asset ID
- Asset Description.
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