Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO and 0493 - International Manufacturing. If you do not have access to THE wORK mODULE, contact: ATS Service Desk: 1.800.662.4001
This training will show you how to access the Training Environment for the Work Module.
For training purposes, you have access to the Test Site (0493) to create and edit content. Please make sure to work exclusively in this training environment and not in your Production site during practice activities.
1. Open a web browser and go to the following web address for the EFP Training: or click the link below.
2. You will enter ATS Employee Login and select Continue.
You may be asked to Duo-Authenticate if you haven't logged in before.
3. Click the drop-down arrow next to your Place ID.
4. Choose 0493 International Manufacturing.
This will keep the Work Module defaulting to your training site until you are ready to move to Production.
5. You will now be working in the ATS training environment.
Once you are done with training, it's a good idea to put in a ticket on the Service Desk Plus to have access to site 0493 removed from your profile.
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