eFactoryPro Wiki

2.13 What is the "Waiting on Production" Task Status Reason and when would I use it?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Waiting on Production  can be used with two Task Statuses: In Planning and HOLD.  In either case, the reason why you would use it would be the same:  to explain why a task is currently not being worked on, such as when ATS has been told that they can't perform the work because the production line can't stop for the maintenance to be done.  

In this example, Task 673173 is a Break-in Task.  It is a priority one emergency task so it has been assigned to two people.  Both Ellen Markey and Javier Arroyo will see this on their My Schedule Screen.  The multiple person icon right after the Task number tells you that you are not the only one who is required to work on this Task.

The Status on this Task can be edited from the My Work View or from the Task List View.  In this case, we are going to do it from the My Work view since it is in our workspace for today.

1. When viewing your schedule for today, click on the Tile for the appropriate Task.  In this case it is the Tile on the far right.

Remember, the priority is in the upper right corner

2. The Task loads in the bottom panel.

3. The Summary Panel should load by default, but if not, click the Summary Panel badge.

4. Click Edit.

5. Change the Task Status to either IN PLANNING or HOLD, whichever is appropriate.

6. Select the Waiting on Production checkbox.

7. Click Save.

8. At this point, "Hold" shows in the tile.  

9. The Summary Panel shows the Waiting on Production Sub-Status.

10. You can also see this status/status reason in the Task Grids.

11. As a best practice, you should add a note to the task with information on when the machine will be available.  This should improve communication as the customer and ATS personnel can see anything entered in Notes.


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