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2.1 Can I see a Basic Overview for Work Order and Task Types?

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Essential Resources: There are no specific software applications needed to complete this article however the information referenced is from functionality in eFactoryPro

This article reviews the work order and task used throughout eFactoryPro

Work Orders

Work orders in eFactoryPro serve two purposes: they act as a notification of upcoming work and serve as a header for multiple tasks. However, all work is performed at the TASK level, which is where your metrics are tracked. There are three types of Work Orders

  • Reactive- These are categorized as MRCT- Reactive Corrective Maintenance
  • Proactive- These are categorized as MPRO- Proactive Maintenance
  • Other- These are categorized as MOTH- Other Work


Task are where the actual work is performed. There are multiple types of tasks and each falls under a specific work order type.

Task Type Task Name When to Use
MRCT- Reactive Corrective Maintenance (Reactive hands-on work)
If something is being fixed, it is a Corrective Maintenance task, and puts in MRCT Work Order (Reactive Maintenance). If the task is put in as Corrective, it cannot be change. The Task and the Work Order must be cancelled if it was an error. 
CM Corrective Maintenance Any repair that has an immediate impact to the operation of the equipment or production and cannot wait causing a line to be down or not producing. 
MOTH- Other Work (Supporting Work)
If the task is not corrective, it could be classified as various types of "other" work. The customer has the option of putting in "Project" task. Technicians have many options that will drive a MOTH work order types. As long as the task falls within the MOTH category, it can be changed to any other MOTH task during the edit process. 
HA Healthy Assessment A series of tests to assess the healthy and future performance of an asset.
TR Training All training done my maintenance personnel.
MT Meetings All meetings held or attended by maintenance personnel.
PR Project All planned out-of-scope work for the customer that does not enhance the equipment. 
CI Continuous Improvement  All continuous improvement activities (6 sigma, RCA, etc)
EV Event All unplanned, on-time occurrence that is out of scope work. 
MPRO- Proactive Maintenance (Proactive hands-on work)
A technician cannot generate a work or task as MPRO. PM Task are not combined, you will have one Task per Work Order. This means that the Monthly PM will be on a separate Work Order/ Task than the Quarterly PM for the same machine. 
PD Predictive Maintenance Thermography, ultrasound, vibration analysis, and oil sampling. 
PM Preventative Maintenance Preventative maintenance work orders generated by the system 
FM Follow-up Maintenance A follow-up task found when completing the PM

PM Considerations

  • Compliance Window:  Every PM has a compliance window – a Compliance Start (that the PM cannot be started before) and Compliance End (a required finish date). The Last Labor stamp must be within the Compliance Window
  • Completion Date: The PM must be completed within the month it is due (within the month of the Compliance End Date) or it is not considered complete.
  • Planned Start Date: The default date that the system plans for the work to be started. This can be changed by the Planner Scheduler.
  • Operator Performed Maintenance: Some PMs will have task subtpes of OPM (Operator Performed Maintenance). These are PMs that are not performed by our techs, but instead by the customer at the site. You will still find a compliance start and end date, but the figures are not considered against the site's metrics.

Task Activity Sub-types

Tasks also have sub-types. You can use one or more of the sub-types if they apply to the task being completed. Refer to the chart below for more details.

SA Safety YES YES YES Any repair to a safety device that has an impact to safety.
VC Vendor Contract YES YES
Authorized vendor work. 
CO Changeover YES

Line or equipment change over
AI Asset Improvement
A task to improve the life of the machine. 
OPM Operator Performed Maintenance 

Maintenance performed by the customer. 
CS Cost Savings YES
Any task where we are entering a cost savings
OoS Out of Scope

Primary used for PR task types. It should be used when the work is out of the scope of the ATS contract or normal task performed. 
NADT Non-avoidable down-time YES

Downtime caused by customer error- ATS should not take the "hit" for the down-time. 


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