eFactoryPro Wiki

1.8 Mobile App - As a Technician, how do I use the filters when looking for work?

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Using filters will be the best way to create a very specific list of tasks/work orders or to find specific types of work.

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Users will see the funnel icon throughout the efp mobile app. This is the Table Filers icon. This tool will allow users to search for work using very specific search terms using the pre-populated parameters in the filter. Now the option of searching might be different from one screen to another, but the way the filters are set will always be the same.

1. Clicking on the Task (or Work Order) button at the bottom of the screen will take you to the Tasks screen. This is where users will see all the Tasks for a site. By default, you will see All Open Tasks, but a number of other options are available from the Table Filters.

2. By selecting the funnel icon in the upper right of the screen the Table Filters window will come up

Lets take a look at the different option for filters users will have using the Table Filters tool:

3. Less Than/Greater Than/Equals filter - this filter can be used for searching through numbers (in this case Task IDs)

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4. Check Boxes - if there is a set amount of variables (in this example Safety) then those option will be displayed to all be selected or for some to be selected.

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5. Starts With/Ends With/Equals/Contains - this filter will allow users to enter search terms (in this case in the Asset Description).

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6. Start Date/End Date - this style filter will allow the user to narrow their search by a start and end date. Within this style of filter there is also the option to use an offset. Offset will work off the current day. So if the start date could be -7 and end date can be +7. This means that the search will go back 7 days and forward 7 days.

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Available filtering options for TASKS will be:

  • Task ID
  • Safety
  • Status
  • Status Reason
  • Asset ID
  • Asset Description
  • Malf. Type
  • Operating Status
  • Created
  • Planned Start
  • Compliance Start
  • Compliance Finish
  • WO Type
  • Task Type
  • Priority
  • Team
  • Technician
  • Sub-Location
  • Building Location
  • Regulatory

Available filtering options for WORK ORDERS will be:

  • WO ID
  • Task ID
  • Safety
  • WO Type
  • Description
  • Created
  • Status
  • Requester
  • Asset ID
  • Asset Description
  • Operating Status
  • Sub-Location
  • Priority
  • Regulatory

7. At the top of the Table Filters window there will be a drop down to select which preset view the user would like to filter down.

Preset views for TASKS: default view will be All Open Tasks

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

Preset views for WORK ORDERS: default view will be Open Work Orders

8. Cancel - this will cancel out of any filters entered BEFORE Apply has been selected. Users will then return to the last list they were viewing.

9. Clear - this button will clear out all the filters that have been entered.

10. Apply - select this button once all filter entries have been put in. This will update the Task/Work Order view.


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