Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
1. From the Task level, click the three dots (...) in the right corner.
- As a Technician, you have the ability to Cancel any MOTH and MRCT Tasks, as well as any Follow-up Tasks that have been entered. You CANNOT cancel a PM or PdM task without Supervisor Credentials.
- As a best practice, you should always enter a note explaining why you are canceling the Task. As an example, if you are canceling the task because it is a duplicate, include the other task number. If you are removing a malfunction or a labor line and then canceling, please make sure that your notes are very good so that when someone goes back and looks at this later, it will make a lot of sense as to why this has been done.
This is only possible when there are no Labor, Consumed Parts, Repair Codes or a Malfunction against the Task.
2. Select Cancel Task.
3. There will be a Confirm Task Cancellation dialog box. Select YES.
4. A confirmation will appear at the bottom of the window.
5. This will be reflected in the Task Summary view.
From the Supervisor role, this Work Order can be re-opened and re-assigned to a Technician. Please note that this MUST be done BEFORE the Task is reviewed.
When a Task is canceled it will still be visible to the user.
If it is a Follow-Up Task being canceled, the user must first DELETE the Malfunction if it were entered upon creation.
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