Adding a follow up task to proactive work in the Work Module is the easiest way to increase your Site's Proactive percentage in the FMS Balanced Scorecard.
As long as the original task was either PM (Preventative Maintenance) or PdM (Predictive Maintenance), any task that is added on will be "FM" Followup Maintenance.
This is truly proactive work, and will count in your proactive hours for your metrics.
There is NO Compliance or Completion Date associated with the FM Task, so you are able to complete and close the original Task within the Compliance Window.
Remember, all metrics are driven from the Task Level. Adding a Follow up Task will never cause you to be out of compliance (assuming you have completed the original task during the compliance window.)
1. From the Tasks screen in the Mobile App, click on the blue Filter Icon in the right hand corner
2. Select the Preset drop-down and Choose All Open PMs
4. Select the PM that you're wanting to add the Task to.
5. By default you are looking at the Task View. You can see this because the Task Number is listed at the top.
6. After selecting the Task you want to add a follow-up Task to, click on the three blue dots (...) in the upper right hand corner and click Add Task.
7. A new page is generated.
8. The Task Type defaults to FM, which is a Proactive Task Type. The other option will be PD - Predictive Maintenance.
You must have Supervisor access to see PD as an option.
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