eFactoryPro Wiki

1.11 Mobile App - As a Technician, what info will I see under the EVENTS icon on a Task?

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Work Order and Task Events are now visible on the task in the Work Management Module. On the far right of the task icons in the Events Icon. Under this icon users will see the full task details. Events will be sorted from oldest to newest by default.  Users will also be able to sort and search through all the results under this icon.

User will be able to:

  • display all events for the work order from client on the Work Order in the Mobile App, mixed in with the rolled-up task events - and all sorted from Oldest to Newest
  • select whether they see all events (work order and task mixed together) or just the work order events.
  • select an event to see specific information about that event.

1. The green badge on the Events icon will indicate how many events have been logged for this task.

2. This will bring the user to the list of Events.

What will be displayed in each line:

  • Task ID
  • What happened to trigger an event
  • By who or from where this event was entered
  • The date the event happened
Reflector 3 - ATS-iPad-GG7FPFXWQ1GG

3. By selecting an Event line users will see a more detailed description of that event.

What will be seen here:

  • Event Type
  • Description
  • Event Date/Time
  • Created By
  • Old Value
  • New Value
Reflector 3 - ATS-iPad-GG7FPFXWQ1GG

4. The user will also be able to select whether they see all events (work order and task mixed together) or just the work order events. From inside the events list select the icon in the upper right corner.

5. This will change the list to ONLY include events for the Work Order.

Reflector 3 - ATS-iPad-GG7FPFXWQ1GG

What WILL and WILL NOT be displayed under the Events Icon:

What WILL be displayed:

  • a Change in Status
  • Assigning of a Task
  • Selection of a Subtype
  • changing of the Status Reason
  • a Change in Priority
  • a Change in Team ID
  • a Job Plan changed
  • Addition of a skillset
  • Removal Skillset
  • Updating of a Skillset
  • Adding a  Part Need
  • Change in Quantity for a Part Need
  • Addition Staged Part Part
  • Removal of a Staged Part
  • when the scheduling period has first been assigned.
  • when the scheduling period gets changed.
  • when a technician is assigned to a skillset.
  • when a technician is removed from a skillset assignment.
  • when a technician is assigned to a task through the tech portal.
  • when a technician is removed from a task assignment through the tech portal.

What will NOT be displayed:

  • Changing of equipment
  • Selection or Unselection of the Proactive task toggle
  • Selection or Unselection of the Warranty Repair toggle
  • Selection or Unselection of the Technician toggle
  • Selection of the Regulatory toggle Regulatory
  • Addition of a Reason for Variance
  • Selection of a Service Level
  • Editing of the Task Name
  • Addition, Update, Removal of a Labor entry
  • Addition of a Note
  • Addition, Update or Removal of an Expense
  • Cancellation of a Part Need
  • Change in the Need by date for a Part Need
  • Consumption of a Part Need
  • Addition, Update or Removal of a Repair Code
  • Addition or Removal of a Meter Reading
  • Addition, Update or Removal of a Malfunction
  • Addition, Update or Removal of Steps
  • Change in the Task duration
  • Change in the location for a Stage Part
  • Change in the qty for a Stage Part


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