Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
The user will have to select a meter. If there is more than one meter associated to the equipment, there will be a drop-down arrow to choose the desired meter to enter a reading.
Choices for the type of reading are ACTUAL and INITIAL. Actual should be used unless this is a new meter or this is the first time you are entering a reading. If you enter another initial reading, it will assume that a new meter has been entered. If you enter a lower count, it will assume that the meter has rolled over.
A Reading Date will be required and will default to the current time/day.
Information on the meter will be displayed in the dialog box upon entering a reading and will also be available after the reading in entered under ACTIONS.
All meter readings will be displayed, but only the LAST reading for a meter may be deleted. Once deleted, no more readings for that meter may be deleted until a new reading is added. When a Technician adds a reading, the previous reading is locked and cannot be deleted. Anyone with access to the Work Module can delete the last reading of a meter.
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