eFactoryPro Wiki

7.5 Mobile App - What do the tiles mean on the Selected Part screen (As Selected, Faster Lead Time, Custom)?

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Once you've selected the part, stated the quantity needed, and added it to the task, you will be taken to the Selected Part screen.

This screen allows you to see the different options available before committing to adding the part to the task. There will be a combination of different selections based on which the delivery time of the selected parts will change. Each tab will give the user options to continue with the current selection that they have made or select a different selection of similar/comparable parts to get a faster delivery.

This screen is divided into three tabs.

1. The "As Selected" tab will be showing the Lead Time based only on the selection that the user made on the previous screen. In this case, there part is on back order. However, we have requested 1 and there isn't 1 in the ATS locations.

This is the tile you will use the most when things are in stock or just need to be ordered.

2. The second "Fastest" tab will show the Fastest lead time that is possible with a different combination of similar/comparable parts, or different location combinations.

This is the tile you will use when you have the part in multiple locations.

3. The third  "Custom" tab gives you the ability to select from different locations and/or similar/comparable parts.

The Custom tab gives you the most flexibility. Here you will see all the options that were presented as similar parts, with the ability to choose from any location in your site.

However, IF YOU WANT to use the originally selected part from multiple locations, you will have to add the part need more than once in order to be able to see the different locations.  

The drop-down sections below use various scenarios to illustrate the concepts.  They are not tied to the examples above.

  • It will show you the part you selected on the initial part search screen.
  • This tab will have the heading "As Selected" with the number of days it will take to get the requested parts delivered.  If it is totally in stock, it will show zero, if it has to be ordered, it will show the lead time.
  • At the bottom of the tile will be the expected date on which the delivery is expected.  Keep in mind, this is not the Customer Promised Date (as the requisition has to be processed by your SCS and the Buyer has to post the PO.)
Staged for Release 2021 - Boards - Google Chrome

If the part is available and present at the default location (e.g. ATS or Customer) with enough stock available, the order will be displayed showing the selected part along with the location.

Staged for Release 2021 - Boards - Google Chrome

If there isn't stock available in the default location, and there is in another location -- we will show you that. For example, Customer has no stock.

The important thing to remember is that, UNLESS YOU ARE TOTALLY OUT OF STOCK IN THE DEFAULT LOCATION, you will always see that first in the As Selected screen. It is up to you to search for other locations to see if there is stock available from this screen.

Click on the drop-down arrow to see the other locations.

Remember, AS SELECTED assumes you want to use only the part you originally chose, so you are being presented with options to help you fulfill that need.


The second tab "Fastest" will be active if there are Part(s) which have a faster lead time then the one which originally requested by the user on the previous screen.

  • You will have a mixture of the originally selected part and/or similar parts or different locations in order to get the fastest lead time.  (You cannot modify the locations but multiple locations that have stock will be listed.)
  • The system will make sure that the parts are the same in Form/Fit/Function.  
  • The parts that will be listed as options are the same ones that you saw when comparing to similar parts.

The benefit of using the Custom tab is that this is the ONLY place where you can specifically modify the parts and locations to ensure you are pulling parts from the proper locations.

Here you will see all the parts that were listed as Similar Parts, and you have the ability to select the location and quantity you want to choose from each location.

Regardless of which tile you have chosen the parts from, to add them once you have the quantities entered, you follow these instructions.

4. Click the Next Button.

5. Once Create Need has been selected the user will get a Part Need Summary. Add any Notes (Optional) and click CREATE NEED.

6. The part ordered will be displayed in the Part Need tab in the PARTS Screen.

Although this may seem somewhat complicated when you are first learning it, think of it this way:

  1. When you're choosing your part need, you'll be offered options that will be similar in form/fit/function.  You might want to note which one(s) are in stock and which one(s) match the best.
  2. Note how many are available.
  3. Enter your quantity needed.
  4. As Selected is going to show the default site's default location.  If it doesn't show the total quantity you saw in the previous screen, click the drop down to check the other locations.
  5. If you need to select from multiple locations, go to the Faster Lead Time Tile.  That may have options from multiple locations and possibly even some of the similar parts that were originally listed.
  6. Finally, the Custom Tile gives you the most options to choose from.  If you want to add a part from multiple locations, you just need to add the part need more than once.


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