eFactoryPro Wiki

7.14 JOB PLAN: As an Admin, how can I create Master Job Plans in the Planner Portal?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

Only those with advanced roles will be able to create a master job plan.  Roles with Advanced Permissions include:  ADMIN, Maint Support, and IT App Support.

The major difference between a Site-specific Job Plan and a Master Job Plan is that a Master Job Plan does not have a team assigned to it and cannot have equipment assigned to it.

Examples of Master Job Plans include CM - Corrective Maintenance, and PR - Projects well as plans like job plans created by the OpEx and Reliability Excellence teams.

To create a Master Job Plan, follow the steps below.


1. Click on the Planner Scheduler Role.

2. Under the Planning screen, go to Job Plans.

3. Click the plus icon.  This is the Copy Job Plans icon and will get you to the + New Job Plan Button.

4. Click on the +New Job Plan on the Right side of the screen under your site information.

If it is easier to start from a copy of an existing job plan, you can click on the drop-down arrow and choose from the available option: Copy to a master job plan.  

Create Job Plan comes up for you to populate.

5. Under the Master Job Plan field, choose Yes from the drop-down.  This will create a banner across the top of the Job Plan.

6. Enter the Category if applicable.  Your choices are PM, PD and blank.

Blank is used for MOTH and MRCT Work Order type tasks.

7. Enter the Description.  

8. Task Priority defaults to 3-Normal.  You can raise or lower if needed.

9. For a Master Job Plan, the Team ID must be blank.

10. "Add Meter" means that every time this job plan is used, a meter reading will be required on the task.  

Please DO NOT USE the "Add Meter" functionality until further notice.

A meter must be first set up on the equipment record at the site in order for this to work, so most likely, you will leave this defaulting to No for most master job plans, and allow the sites to change it to yes if they so desire.

11. The qualified technician toggle is used when special skills are required to complete the work.

12. The regulatory fields allow you to call out whether this work is governed by Federal, State or Local Law or Permit.

13. If needed, you can designate Task Activity Sub-types.


Once the header has been created, you can scroll down to begin adding the Steps.  At a bare minimum, you will want to include: Pre-task analysis, Safety / LOTO, PM Instructions, Return to Service, and Process Improvement.

Remember that one of the reasons for Master Job Plans is to share best practices - so please include all the steps and details you would want to see for this job to be performed properly.

The Header, the Steps and Duration and skill-sets are the only REQUIRED fields for a Master Job Plan.  If applicable, you could also add an attachment, and/or parts.

Time and Skillsets

14. Duration is required at this time, and, although skillsets are not required on a master job plan, it is a good idea to enter them anyway.  

The reason why they are not required is because they may have different applications from site to site.

However, once the site copies the Master Job Plan to their site, they will have to assign skillsets before the Job Plan can be assigned to a task.  If they feel that the job requires a different level of skill, they can simply change the skillset on their site copy.


15. It's important to remember that, when creating a Master Job Plan and adding a Part Need, you are NOT actually creating an allocation until the job plan is actually turned into a task (during daily scheduling.)

If parts aren't added when the plan is created, they can always be added later in edit mode, or they can even be added when the site customizes the template!

16. As for attachments, just remember that this is a MASTER plan, so whatever you attach, must be applicable to all sites.  You also have the ability under attachments to add a link.  Some possible suggestions when adding a link include:  OEM Manuals, R360 or SkillPoint Videos and more.

17. One final note, even though the word Equipment is visible in the Master Job Plan Header, when you click on it you will see that equipment cannot be associated with Master Job Plans.

As of June 2022, you can associate Equipment models with Master Job plans.  Job Plans:  When creating a Master Job Plan, how do I associate it with an equipment model?

A video on this topic can be found by clicking the following link:


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