eFactoryPro Wiki

3.1 CONTROL CENTER: Is there an Overview of setting up Events/Alerts in the Control Center?

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You must have Supervisor access to create and access  Site Specific escalations in the Control Center.  

Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

1. From the Navigation Pane of the Work Module, click on Control Center and select Event Monitor.

2. Existing Monitors --  within this space active and inactive monitors that have been created in the past for the site are displayed.

Active monitors are those that are sending notifications when escalation conditions are activated. Inactive monitors are not sending notifications.

3. The New Monitor Area is where the Conditions for new alerts are entered.

How to Create a New Escalation Monitor

4. Enter a Name.  All monitors should begin with your site number.

5. Enter a Description.  This can be the same as the name or contain more details

6. Select the RULES tab within the New Monitor section.

7. The rules field will display a default starting condition, which you can edit.

8. Click ADD CONDITION or ADD GROUP to create additional rules

9. The GROUP BY field contains a drop-down with the selections AND, OR

a. The AND selections makes it so that all specific criteria you enter has to be met in order for the escalation to trigger.

b. The OR selections make it so that any one of multiple conditions exist a notification is triggered.

If your set up the grouping wrong, you will see an alert message letting you know.  For example, you cannot have a Task with a criticality of  1 AND  2 at the same time... that has to be an OR statement.

10. The CRITICAL FIELD selection, currently showing work order priority in the image above allows you to select the field in the Work Order which contains the criteria you want to create an escalation for.

11. The equation value, currently showing “Equals” in the image above allow you to create an inclusive and exclusive comment.

a. Selecting “Equals” results in the condition selected having to be met.

b. Selecting “Not Equals” results in the condition selected being an exclusion value, meaning ‘do not show’ Work Orders with the value selected.

12. The final field is the trigger value field. This field lists all of the possible values that can be found in the selected CRITICAL FIELD selections.

13. The rule in the image would “Send a notification on every work order that has an emergency work order priority”.

14. When you add a condition you create a second criteria that has to be met in order for a notification to be triggered.

a. If an emergency priority work order is created on a piece of equipment that does not have a critical designation no notification will be sent.

15. If you want to generate a different notification that notifies recipients of all emergency work orders which are generated on both critical and important equipment for the second condition instead of adding a condition you will select ADD GROUP.

Adding a group creates a sub decision in which you can add criteria with multiple criteria for a group.

In the example above if an Emergency work order is created and the Equipment is Critical or Important you will receive a notification.

16. Once you have all of the conditions created, select the ACTIONS tab.

17. Within the ACTIONS tab you can select how long after a work order that meets all of your selected criteria is created that a notification is transmitted.

a. You can also choose if you want a notification sent if the work order in question is marked as completed.

b. In order for a notification to fire one of the action fields must contain a point of contact. Either someone’s email or contact phone number. The person must be able to accept and view text messages in order to utilize the Phone function.

18. You can set up multiple time actions within the same Monitor as pictured below.

a. NOTE: Once an action is created it cannot be deleted it can only be inactivated or edited.

19. Prior to exiting make sure that the name and description fields are filled in and you select the green check box to save your new event monitor.

If you exit without selecting the green (save) check mark you will loose all associated work and have to redo your event monitor.


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