Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.
There are a number of reasons why you may wish to modify a Job Plan in the header: This is where you will find the Sub-Types like Safety, OPM, Vendor Contract, etc. This is also where the Team is located - so you may wish to change the Plan from your site's default team (0493-ATS) to one that is more specific to the work being done (0493-Robotics or 0493-Customer). No matter whether this is a Master Job Plan that you've just copied over to your site, or a site Job Plan that you've used for years, it's simple and easy to edit the header details.
Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
1. In the Planner Portal, find the Job Plan you want to edit.
If necessary, use the filters to locate the Job Plan in question.
Remember, you can always COPY the job plan if you want to keep the original job plan and modify a copy.
How does the Copy Job Plan functionality work in the Planner Portal?
3. The Job Plan Opens to the Steps but will always show the Summary on the top.
In our example, we have copied the monthly Oil Leak Tester Job Plan that the ATS Maint Team performs, and need to modify it to be an Operator Performed weekly check.
4. Change the team the category if needed.
5. Change the description if needed.
6. Change the Priority.
7. Change the team to the customer team by selecting it from the drop-down.
If you do not have a customer team, here is how to get one set up: How do I create and edit Teams in the Control Center?
8. Enter if there is any regulatory requirements.
9. Click the drop-down next to the Sub-Type field and select Operator Performed.
If you want to make further edits to Steps/Equipment/Attachments, etc., simply click on the word at the top to bring up the screen.
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