eFactoryPro Wiki

15.7 What kinds of things do I see when I expand the chevron in the header of the Schedule Board in the CLIENT?

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In Q3 2021, the scheduling portion of Work Execution Management will be released in the Planner Portal.  At that time, all scheduling work should be done in the Planner Portal: Planning (efactorypro.com) 

Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings

For the most part, you will customize your schedule board settings once, and then shouldn't need to adjust them again.  The header allows you to fine tune the display to more efficiently schedule Tasks at your site.

1. From the Main Menu in the CLIENT, go to Service > Schedule Board.

2. Expand the red chevron in the upper workspace.

3. Select the Team(s) you want to have displayed on the board.

4. The Calendar with arrows shows and allows you to change the date range you are working with.

5. The Schedule Board defaults to the Timeline View. In this view, the Team members are vertically listed on the left side and the Dates and Times run horizontally across the top of the grid.

6. The Day View lists Team members across the top for a single day.

7. The Week View lists an entire week for each person on the team.  You will use the lower horizontal scroll bar to move through the team members.

8. The Month view lists an entire Month for each person on the team.  You will use the right vertical scroll bar to move through the team members.

Both the Week and Month Views are used primarily when scheduling Projects or off-site work.

9. The Zoom, plus Major and Minor Tic Settings relate to how large the grid is on the schedule board.  If you are having difficulty seeing where you are dragging the Task, you can adjust these settings.

10. The Schedule Board defaults to a full 24-hour day, shown in 2-hour increments.  If your site's operations starts at 4am and ends at 8pm, you can change the Day Start and End settings to reflect that time.

Keep in mind, if you do that and you want to bring in work outside of normal working hours, you will not be able to schedule it on the Schedule Board.

11. You can choose how many days a week you want to see.  The default is 7.  This works in combination with the box on the far right where you can specify which days of the week are work days.

12. In the display field, you can choose what is shown on the Task on the Schedule Board.  The total number of visible options is two.

In addition to Task ID, you can choose from: Planned Start, Status as of, Work Order, Team ID, Equipment ID, Task Type, and many others.

13. These settings allow you to customize the display (row and column height and width) for easier viewing.

14. There are many more options to customize the Schedule Board here.  Most of these features will be turned on in future releases.

15. Refresh reloads the data.

16. Go to Today takes you back to today, regardless of where you were in the scheduling.

17. The Person view should be checked.  Don't choose Task or Place.

18. The default on the Schedule Board is to refresh every 5 minutes.  This means the system will look for new Tasks to add to the queue every 5 minutes.  This can be adjusted to be more/less frequent.  

19. Once you have customized the header, collapse it back down using the red chevron.

20. Expand the chevron in the lower workspace and at a very minimum enter your Place ID.

If you only use the Schedule Board for PMs, you want to choose MPRO from the TYPE drop-down menu.

21. Go to the system search in the upper right corner and type SAVE SCREEN SETTINGS.

22. A confirmation message appears.

23. The next time the Schedule Board is opened, it will default to the saved settings.


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