eFactoryPro Wiki

6.6 PLANNING WIZARD: How do I assign a duration to a Task in the Planning Wizard?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

MRCT and MOTH, and even FM Tasks generate with zero duration.  This is intentional, so that your backlog numbers are not skewed.  One of the requirements for having work count as planned is to enter a duration for the task.  This is easily done through the Planning Wizard.

1. Go to the Planner Portal.

2. Click on Tasks.

3. Click the checkbox in front of the Task number(s) you want to edit.

4. Click the magic wand icon to enter the Planning Wizard.

eFactoryPro - Planning - Google Chrome

5. The selected task(s) will open.

If you have opened multiple tasks at once, you can change between the tasks by clicking on the Job Plan ID tab at the top of the screen.

eFactoryPro - Planning - Google Chrome

Step 1 allows you to change the Job Plan to any other Job Plan associated with the equipment:  How do I assign a new Job Plan to a Task in the Planning Wizard?

Step 2 allows you to add/edit steps on the task.  Remember that in order for a Task to count in your planned metric, it must have more than one step.  How do steps work in the Planning Wizard?

In this document, we will assume that both of those requirements have been addressed.

6. Click on number 3 to move to the Time and Skills  tab.

7. Click on the Task Duration box.

8. Use the arrows to enter the correct amount of hours and minutes for the task duration.

  • The Minute arrows work in 15 minute increments, while the hour increments work in increments of one.
  • The total duration is shown in minutes just above the Set button.

9. Click Set when finished.

eFactoryPro - Planning - Google Chrome

10. Under the duration is the field for Skillsets.  Each task must have at least one skillset, including the duration that skillset will be used.  Click the red + Skillset button to begin.

11. Enter the skillset and the duration.  If you want to add more than one skillset to this task, you would repeat the process by clicking red + Skillset button.

12. Use the Back/Next navigation buttons in the lower left corner to move through the remainder of the Planning Wizard.

From here, you have the ability to stage parts and add attachments to the any/all tasks that you have in the Wizard.

eFactoryPro - Planning - Google Chrome

13. The summary panel (#6) gives you the status of the selected tasks.

A green checkmark indicates that the minimum criteria has been entered.

A red X means that something missing.

14. Any task that has more than one step will show with a green checkmark.  A red X  means that the requirement for more than one step has not been met.

15. A green checkmark in the duration field means that the duration is not zero.

16. A green checkmark in the skillset heading means you have added at least one skillset with a duration.

17. Parts are not required, however if a "staged" part has been added to the template, you will see it marked with a checkmark.  The same thing is true if you had an attachment.

18. Attachments will show in this column, if completed.

19. The last column is the Action Column.  For each task, there is a Move to Scheduling button.

20. Once a task is scheduled, the action column will change to Already moved to scheduling and the task is removed from the list.

eFactoryPro - Planning - Google Chrome

Ultimately, the next step will be to move to the Schedule Board in the Planner Portal.  If you are not on the Scheduling Portion of the Planner Portal yet, you will go to the Supervisor Portal.

If you are on the Scheduling Portal, go to the Period Capacity  | How does the schedule button work in the in the Period Capacity View?

The task can now be found in the Supervisor Portal under Assign Tasks. Any part needs that were added in the Planning Wizard will show under the Staged Parts section.  

Only those with the Supervisor role will be able to convert Staged parts to actual part needs for the task.


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