eFactoryPro Wiki

1.3 How do Task Status and Task Status Reasons interact?

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Essential Resources: To complete this training you must have access to eFACTORYPRO.

This training will take you through how Task Status and Task Status Reasons interact in the Work Module.

The distinction between Task Status and Task Activity Sub-Type can be confusing.

Think of a Task as a sentence: the STATUS is the VERB, representing the action or state of the task, while the Sub-Type functions like an adverb or adjective, providing additional context about the Status or the Task itself.

Task Statuses Include:
  • New: Task has been received by maintenance and is waiting for either the supervisor to assign as reactive work or for the P/S to begin planning. 
  • In Planning: For non-MRCT breakdown Tasks: Work order is received, P/S assigns an initial priority and estimated duration, sets status to In Planning.
  • Ready for Execution: This would be used to indicate that the task has been scheduled with the customer, assigned to a technician, is ready to be completed.
  • In Progress:   Any task that a technician is working on.
  • Hold: This would be used when the customer wants to defer the cost or execution to a later date or contemplating the real need to be completed. 
  • Completed: Task is complete and waiting for review.
  • Canceled: Task is no longer valid or open.

Most of the Task Statuses have Status Reasons to define them.  In every case, you have the option to leave the status reason blank.  

Task Status Reasons include:
  • Kitted:  When all parts have been gathered and grouped for the Task, it can be marked with the status reason Kitted. (USED WITH IN PLANNING)
  • Waiting on Service:  This status reason  is used if we are waiting on an outside service company to come in and do the work.  (USED WITH IN PLANNING & HOLD)
  • Waiting on Materials: This status reason is used when the work is delayed because parts are not available to do the job. (USED WITH IN PLANNING & HOLD)
  • Waiting on Production:  When you cannot do the work because Production can’t stop to give us the machine, you would use this status reason. (USED WITH IN PLANNING & HOLD)
  • Planning Complete/Ready for Scheduling: Once the P/S has finished Planning, they would mark the Task with the status reason Planning Complete/Ready for Scheduling.  All the Portal views show this Status Reason as Ready for Scheduling, while the CLIENT shows it as Planning Complete.   (USED WITH IN PLANNING)  It should also be mentioned that there is built-in functionality with the Planner Portal that triggers this status reason automatically when a task exits the Planning Wizard.
  • Scheduling Complete:  Some sites will use this when the Task has been scheduled.  (USED WITH IN PLANNING)
  • Accepted: Some sites use this when the Tech acknowledge that s/he is going to do the work. (USED WITH IN PROGRESS & REVIEWED)
  • Arrived:  Used by Traveling Techs and larger sites to indicate they are at the site or at the machine. (USED WITH IN PROGRESS)
  • En-route: Used by Traveling Techs to indicate when they are en-route to the site. (USED WITH IN PROGRESS)
  • Carryover: This status reason is used when the task that cannot be completed by the current technician. (USED WITH IN PROGRESS)
  • Rework Required: The system automatically assigns this status when the supervisor reopens a task during the WO Review Process.  (USED WITH IN PROGRESS)
  • Assigned: Task has gone through the planning/scheduling process and technician is assigned.  Work is ready to be carried out. (USED WITH READY FOR EXECUTION)
Task Activity Sub-Types Include:
  • Asset Improvement: A task to improve the life of the machine.
  • Change Over:  This sub-type is used for a Line or Equipment Change Over.  This could be a tooling change or to change for a different process.
  • Cost Savings:  Any task where we are entering a cost saving request can have this sub-type.
  • NADT:  Downtime caused by customer error.  ATS should not take the “hit” for the down-time. 
  • Operator Performed Maintenance:  PMs done by the Customer (not ATS personnel.)  These do not affect your Compliance/Completion or Proactive metrics. This sub-type will ONLY be used on PMs.
  • Out of Scope:  This is primarily used for PR Task types.  It should be used when the work being perform is outside the scope of the normal work that ATS provides the customer.  Checking a task as Out-of-Scope helps alert billing that something special needs to happen with this task.
  • Safety:  Any repair to a safety device that has an impact to safety.
  • Vendor Contract:  Authorized vendor work.  
  • Verification Device: This sub-type is used by one customer only to designate when Tasks are related to a specific area of the plant related to Quality or Testing.

Work Module:

Task Status, Status Reason and Task Activity Sub-types can be accessed and edited through the Task Summary Screen in the Work Module

Notice that the Task Status and Task Status Reason are displayed in the Grid as well as the Task Summary Panel.

1. When the Work Module loads, you will be brought to the My Work section.

2. By default, the My Schedule view will load for the Technician.

This screen will show all the Tasks that have been assigned to the Tech for the day.

3. Find the task in question and highlight it to load it in the lower panel.  

4. The Status is easy to see in the Tile.

In our example, we are going to say that it is around noon on the 19th.  The Tech went to complete the work, and was told that they needed to return at 2:00 PM.

5. Click on Edit in the Summary Panel.

The Status and Status Reason fields should primarily be updated automatically through the process, not manually.

6. Click on the drop-down and change the Status from Ready to Execution to HOLD.

7. Moving on to the Status Reason, click on the drop-down and choose Ready for Production from the drop-down options.

8. Click Save.

9. The card is updated in the My Schedule View.

10. The Task Summary Panel shows the updated Status and Status Reason.

11. As a best practice, please enter a note on the Task as to when the the machine will be available.

12. Click on the Task List.

When looking at the Task Grid from any of the views, you will see the Task Status, and Status Reason displayed. These are filterable fields.

Planner Portal

1. In the Planner Portal, you can see the Task Activity sub-types on the Job Plans.

2. These are set on the summary screen and are accessed through a drop down.

You can run reports and filter by Task Activity Sub-types and Task Statuses/Reasons in the Task Views and Reports.


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