eFactoryPro Wiki

14.5 How do I Replace/Swap/Change Out a Meter on Equipment?

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At times, it may be necessary to replace a meter on a piece of equipment. There is no need to replace the meter with a new name, simply create an Event Work Order for a new initial reading.

All of your work will be done in the Portal.  

1. Click Equipment.

2. Use the table filter to locate the Asset ID of the equipment that has the meter you want to change.

3. Highlight the equipment line. The summary of that Asset ID loads in the lower workspace.

4. Click the Meters icon.

In the system, the only thing required to set up a new meter is to enter another Initial Reading.  However, if you are actually replacing out the meter at the site, you may want to create a Task so the Technician has a place to track their time for the meter installation.

5. Click the plus +WORKORDER to the right to add a Work Order.

eFactoryPro - Work Module - Google Chrome

6. A pop-up dialog box appears.

7. Use the drop-down arrow for Type of work and select Event.

8. Select the Priority level.

9. Input a Problem Description such as Replace Meter.

11. Click NEXT.

12. Verify that the correct equipment is selected.

13. Use the drop-down arrow to select a Malfunction type, if needed.

14. Click NEXT.

15. Add any additional notes (optional).

16. Click NEXT.

17. The final screen of this dialog box is pre-populated with the Team and the contact information of the person creating the Work Order. If needed, you can use the drop-down arrow to select a different Team.

18. Enter the proper contact information.

19. Click SUBMIT.

20. Select View Task.

21. The Task Summary appears in the lower workspace. The Meters icon has been reset to 0. Click the Meters icon.

22. Click +Add Meter Reading.

23. The Add Meter Reading dialog box appears. Enter the Reading Value, then use the drop-down arrow to select Initial.

You must choose Initial Reading, even though previous readings will show below.

24. Click SAVE.

An INITIAL reading will reset the system to the new meter and start the tracking process again.

All PMs will resume using the new meter.


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