ONLY site steps will be able to be edited by users with a Supervisor Role or higher. Global Steps will ONLY be created or edited by system Administrators.
Editing a Step:
1. Select the 3-dot icon at the far right of the step line.
3. Here the step can be edited.
4. Select Save to finish the edit.
Site steps can be edited by anyone with permissions to do so. So anyone can edit a step that the current user has put in.
5. A confirmation message will pop up.
Copying a single Step:
6. From the home screen of Pre-Defined Steps find the step you wish to copy and select the 3 dot icon to the right.
8. Here the user will see the selected Pre-Defined Step and will be able to edit it and save it as another name (name change must occur if copying a site step).
9. Select Save.
Copying Multiple Steps:
11. From the Pre-Defined Steps home screen select the Copy Multiple Steps icon.
12. A new screen will come up and this will give a grid view of all Pre-Defined Steps. The default view will be ALL STEPS which will include all site steps as well as global steps.
14. Once you find the step or steps you want to copy to your site steps select the check box next to them.
16. Here the user will modify the name(s) of this step(s) and either leave the Step Text as is or add/edit the text.
17. Select Save.
If the step or steps you are copying (either global or another site step) has the same name, you will be prompted to change the name of that step to something else. A green check mark will appear when it's safe to save (above).
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