Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
Job Plans for taking meter readings will be used on calendar-based PMs.
1. Click +New Job Plan in the upper right corner of the Copy Job Plan Screen via the drop down. First you will enter info under the STEPS button.
2. The Create Job Plan screen loads.
2.1. Under Category, choose PM - Preventative Maintenance from the drop-down.
2.2. Enter the Team ID.
2.3. In the Description, either put the Meter Name if this template is going to be used on just one meter, or use a generic name like "Take Meter Reading."
2.4. The Priority defaults to 3 - Normal, but you can raise it or lower it as needed.
2.5. Select any subtypes if necessary.
2.6. Select if this is to be done by a Qualified Technician.
2.7. Select if this is a Regulatory task.
3. Now select Time and Skills. Select the +New Skillset button.
3.1. Under Name enter a skillset.
3.2. Under Quantity enter as number more than zero.
3.3. Enter a Task Duration.
3.4. Enter a Skill Time.
At this point you have entered the minimum amount of information to save this new Job Plan.
3.5. Select Save.
Users can also associate PARTS, EQUIPMENT, and ATTACHMENTS to this job plan using those specific buttons at the top.
If the description and steps are generic, this Task Template can be used on multiple pieces of equipment.
Be sure to tie it to each piece of equipment in the Planner Portal so it will be available for use on those machines. How does the Equipment functionality work on Job Plans in the Planner Portal?
When entered on the PM Contract, it will still use a Recurring Calendar Based Rule and not require any additional information.
4. Upon Save, the Job Plan ID is assigned.
About Steps: How does the Step functionality work for Job Plans?
All equipment in the sub-location must have a separate step and a line to write down the reading.
The first step should mention the sub-location for the Route.
The last step should instruct the Technician to go to the Equipment tab in the Portal, and using the Meter icon, enter the appropriate readings for each piece of Equipment. Once finished, turn in the Printed PM to the Planner/Scheduler.
5. You now want to tie the Job Plan to the equipment.
This Job Plan should be added as a PM on the contract line for that sub-location. This should be added as a Recurring Calendar based PM (vs a meter driven PM.) For full instructions on how to add, delete, or change a PM on a contract, click the following hyperlink to view the eFACTORYPRO Wiki article, What is the best way to find equipment on the PM contract?
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