eFactoryPro Wiki

5.2 Understanding the terms associated with Part Visibility

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The main point of this enhancement is to differentiate between the various date fields associated with part needs, and standardize what information is captured, where it's captured, and what it's called. These changes will eliminate all the duplicate information and set a standard language for communications between Buyer, Supplier, Site, etc. 

Defining Terms

As a general statement: 1) The Technician enters the Need by Date in the Portal. 2) That Need by Date becomes the Customer Want by Date when the Supply Chain Specialist (SCS) is looking at the requisition. The SCS can move the Want by Date up or back depending on the Priority of the part. 3) When the buyer contacts the vendor to see when delivery will be made to the site, s/he will enter an original Customer Promised Date. If there are problems with delivery, the buyer will update the Customer Promised Date. Anytime the Customer Want by Date or Customer Promised Date is changed, an event tracks the information.

Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.


1. The first date is the Customer Need By Date. It starts off with the date that the Technician enters when s/he adds the part need in the Portal.

3. If the Task Priority is 3 or lower, the Need By Date automatically defaults to 7 days from the current day.

For our first example, today's date is 11/15/2018.

4. Even if you try to edit the Part Need, as long as the Priority is 3 or lower, the date CANNOT be moved up.

Note that the Tech does NOT have the ability to edit the Priority here.  S/he would need to contact the SCS to have the Priority and Need By Date changed in the CLIENT if an adjustment needs to be made on the Task and Requisition.

5. If, when adding the part need, the Technician changes the Part Need Priority to 1-Emergency or 2-Urgent, s/he has the option to move the Need By Date up.

6. The system will NOT automatically prompt for an earlier date. It will default to 7 days from today - same as before. However, when you click by the date, you can select an earlier date (as early as today), and click SET to Save.

7. Because the Priority was 1 or 2 originally, the earliest Need by Date available in the above screenshot was 11/15 (the date this document was created). You can see below that in editing the Part Need, the option to move to 11/15 is available as well.

Again, this is because the Part Need was put in as a Priority 2.

8. Note that the Need by Date is listed under the Parts badge in the Portal.


9. As long as the Requisition has NOT been released, the SCS can adjust the Customer Want by Date earlier or later from the PART OR GNS LINE on the requisition.

The priority of the line dictates the options available.  

10. In this example, let's say the Tech needs the Fuse sooner. The Customer Want by Date needs to be moved up to 11/15.

11. The SCS can either work in the Part Line of the Requisition or expand the chevron on the Part Line.

12. First the priority must be raised to 1-Emergency or 2-Urgent.

13. Click Save in the Header or use Control + S.

14. A message informs you that now you can move up the Customer Want by Date.

15. The SCS can now adjust the Customer Want by Date up to today or later.

16. Move the date to the desired date and click Save in the header or use Control + S.

17. As always, the Events tab will track the changes to the Req/PO.

  • The Events Tab will capture any time the Customer Want by Date is changed.  
  • Remember that the Customer Want by Date is owned by the Site.


If you need to change the Customer Want by Date AFTER the Requisition is released, you can do so by accessing the Part Need screen.

For this example, the part need was added on 11/14 and added as a Priority 3- Normal need.

19. There are a number of ways you can search using the Part Need Search screen. Click the red chevron to open the search field.

20. At a minimum, enter your Part ID.

21. Enter your Place ID from.

22. If your site has more than one "location" (ATS and Customer owned parts), you will want to enter the location in the Location From field.

25. However, if you want to change the information, you should click on the SEQ number hyperlink. (Ex: Seq 167888.)

26. The breadcrumb will now say Part Need Search > Part Need.

27. Raise the Priority to 1-Emergency or 2-Urgent.

28. Click SAVE in the header or click Control + S.

29. Move the Need by Date to an earlier date as needed.

30. Click SAVE in the header or click Control + S.

In some cases, the buyer might have already confirmed with the vendor that the part will be delivered on a certain date (The Customer Promised by Date).  There is nothing in the system that alerts the buyer that you need the part earlier.  You must communicate to the buyer that the part need has increased in priority and see if the part can be expedited.

Of course, the Events tab on the requisition will track the name of the person who has moved up the Customer Want by Date / Need by Date as well as the original date and the new date.  Events will also show that this was done after the Customer Promised Date was entered.


The final step of the process is the Customer Promised Date. This date is owned by the Purchasing Team and entered by the Buyer before posting the Purchase Order.

31. The buyer goes to Inventory > Purchasing > Purchase Order.

32. The buyer would search for Reqs to process the Purchase Order as usual.

33. As part of the confirmation process, the date that the part is going to be delivered to the site is entered in the Customer Promised Date. This is considered to be the Original Customer Promised Date.

Once the Customer Promised Date is entered, it will appear in the Part Need in the Portal (if associated to a task).

If a Customer Promised Date is not entered for each line, an error message will stop the Purchase Order from being posted.

34. An Event tracks that the Customer Promised Date has been entered for the first time.

  • The Materials Management Team will be tracking performance by looking at the difference between the Customer Want by Date and the Customer Promised Date.
  • Both Buyers and Suppliers will be measured on their performance against the Original Customer Promised Date.

35. If the buyer has to update the Customer Promised Date for any reason, it will be tracked in the Events.

As a best practice, you should always enter notes as to why you are moving the Customer Promised Date.

36. The process ends when the SCS Receives the Part or Service.

Another metric will measure Receipt date in relation to Customer Promised Date.


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