Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
For an EDI PO, the only statuses where the buyer is only able to make changes to the Address ID is when the PO is in a Proposed Status and the EDI Workflow Status is blank. Once the PO has been Posted, you will receive an error message if you try to make changes.
1. From the main menu, go to Inventory > Purchasing > Purchase Order.
2. Expand the red chevron in the search field.
3. Enter the PO number in the PO ID.
4. Click the green magnifying glass.
5. The PO loads.
6. Note that the Status is proposed and the EDI Workflow is blank.
7. The Address ID is in the center column of the header right under the Ship To Place Information.
- The SCS cannot change it, so the Requisition will come in with the default address.
- In this example, you can see that the location on the part line says ATS-100.
- There is also a note in the internal comments: "Ship to Plant 100"
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