eFactoryPro Wiki

1.9 What is the Supplier Group and how does it affect the PO?

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Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.

In EFP, Supplier Group is used to categorize what what country the suppliers are in. It is critical that the Supplier Group match the Place ID or Ship to Address of the Site. A Buyer or Purchasing Assistant in the USA can process and post a PO for a site in Mexico or the UK as long as the Supplier Group (and therefore the Supplier) matches the locale of the Site.

You will receive a validation error when trying to post if you have a mismatch between the two.

In our example, the site is in MX. This is an Inventory requisition that was generated to refill to stock. As it doesn't have a Preferred Supplier in the stock record, it generated with "Unknown".

1. The Purchasing Team takes over. From the main menu, go to Inventory> Purchasing > Purchase Order.

2. Search for the requisition and click the green magnifying glass.

3. The record loads. Clear out UNKNOWN in the Supplier field and click the magnifying glass to the right.

4. The Supplier Lookup comes up. Because you are purchasing for a site in Mexico, you must begin by setting the Supplier Group to Mexico. Click on the Groupings Tab.

5. Under the Groupings Tab, click the drop down arrow next to Group.

6. Select the appropriate Supplier Group (in our example: MX Suppliers).

7. Go back to the General Tab.

8. You can now search for the supplier name. Use an asterisk before and after part of the name for best results.

9. Highlight the line and click OK.

The remaining PO process follows the regular steps.

The Supplier Group and Ship to will match if use this process.   This PO will process properly.

If you happen to miss create a mismatch, the system will throw an error.

In this case, I didn't set the Group first to MX Suppliers. I just searched for *saico* and chose the first one in the list. That vendor is NOT part of the MX Supplier group. Therefore, I received an error when trying to post the PO.

10. Click OK to exit the message.

11. Click on the magnifying glass next to the Supplier ID.

12. If you know that Saico is the vendor, you can just clear out the Supplier ID and type *saico* in the name field.

14. Find the supplier that is in the MX Supplier Group.

15. Highlight and click OK.

Remember, you can always go to the groupings tab and select the group first.


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