Steps in the screenshots correspond to the numbers in the headings.
Regardless of whether the PO handled through EDI processing or not, Buyers are NOT able to make edits when a PO is in a Canceled Status at the header. If the PO is at a Canceled Status, the buyer would either wait for a new requisition (as generated through refill to targets if tied to a Task or Min/Max adjustment) OR they would create a new Manual PO.
1. From the main menu, go to Inventory > Purchasing > Purchase Order.
2. Click on the red chevron to expand the search field.
3. Enter the PO number in the PO ID Field.
4. Click the green magnifying glass.
5. The record loads.
In this example, we have a non-EDI GNS PO. The status of the header and the line level are both Canceled.
6. Click NEW to try to add a new GNS line.
7. An error message tells you that the Canceled PO can no longer be edited.
If you need a new GNS PO at this point, you can either manually create one, or ask the SCS at the site to create it and release it to you.
You are also blocked from making additions to an EDI PO that has been canceled.
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